
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:awangvip
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An 8-year-old boy was referred to our hospital because of learning disabilities.His general cognitive functions were below the level for age,and he was diagnosed with dysphasia.The boy was transferred to a special class for children with learning problems.Three months later he was again referred to us because of acute epigastric pain.The only abnormal laboratory finding was a slightly elevated level of alanine aminotransferase.Although the symptoms disappeared in a few days,the transaminase levels remained above normal for the next 6 months.Further diagnostic work-up revealed low serum ceruloplasmin concentration and high 24-h urinary copper excretion.The hepatic copper concentration in liver biopsy was high(2900 μg/g dry weight),confirming the diagnosis of Wilson’s disease.Brain MRI showed slight changes in white matter.The patient’s asymptomatic sister was also diagnosed with Wilson’s disease.Both siblings started penicillamine therapy and a copper-restricted diet.The copper content of the household water was found to be above average and a new plumbing system was installed.After 1 year from the initiation of the therapy,the transaminase concentrations normalized and both siblings were free of symptoms.After 2 years of therapy the patient was able to return to normal school.Wilson’s disease must be borne in mind,when children are evaluated because of poor school performance,especially if they complain of abdominal symptoms. An 8-year-old boy was referred to our hospital because of learning disabilities. His general cognitive functions were below the level for age, and he was diagnosed with dysphasia. The boy was transferred to a special class for children with learning problems .hhree months later he was again referred to us because of acute hyperglycemia. The only abnormal laboratory finding was a slightly elevated level of alanine aminotransferase. Although the symptoms disappeared in a few days, the transaminase levels consistently above normal for the next 6 months. diagnostic work-up revealed low serum ceruloplasmin concentration and high 24-h urinary copper excretion. hepatic copper concentration in liver biopsy was high (2900 μg / g dry weight), confirming the diagnosis of Wilson’s disease. Brain MRI showed slight changes in white matter. The patient’s asymptomatic sister was also diagnosed with Wilson’s disease. Both siblings started penicillamine therapy and a copper-restricted diet. copper content of the household water was found to be above average and a new plumbing system was installed. After 1 year from the initiation of the therapy, the transaminase concentrations normalized and both siblings were free of symptoms. After 2 years of therapy the patient was able to return to normal school. Wilson’s disease must be borne in mind, when children are evaluated because of poor school performance, especially if they complain of abdominal symptoms.
摘 要:在物理课堂教学中,经常会出现教师提问的情况,但是往往效果一般,这是由于教师的提问方式不能引起学生进行积极思维活动。教师如果能合理设置课堂上的提问,势必会达到事半功倍的效果。  关键词:复习;提问;激励;探究;发散;铺垫;巩固  在物理课堂教学中,经常会出现教师提问的情况,但是往往效果一般,这是由于教师的提问方式不能引起学生进行积极地思维活动。那么,如何进行教学合理性提问呢?建议如下:  一
他们从四面八方来,他们有着不同的身份,不知从什么时候起,他们有了一个共同的名字:“点灯人”。 They come from all directions, they have a different identity, I do no
摘 要:由于文化差异,学生学习西方思想较中国思想主张更具难度;又由于史实有限,阻碍了学生对古代欧洲文化起源背景的认识。针对问题,本人从以下几个方面进行尝试,并取得了一定成效:①对比记忆,缩小中西方难以逾越的意念差距;②精选史料,多角度剖析思想文化的内涵;③归纳演绎结合,深刻认识人类思想文化成果中蕴含的精神要素。  关键词:文化差异;对比记忆;有效教学  中图分类号:G424 文