A Study on A Student’s Self—Repair

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  【Abstract】The focus of this paper is on one kind of self-repair: self-repair issuing from self-initiation. It explains what repair is, and presents an observation analysis about a student’s self-repair. It concludes that self-repair is an important part of students language learning. It should be encouraged under the supervisor of teachers in foreign language classroom.
  【Key words】self-repair; self-initiation; error
  I. Introduction
  The phenomenon of self-repair has long been the focus of some linguists such as Sacks, Schigloff, Levison, Craig Chandron and Evelyn Hatch etc. If we take a detailed look at the students’ utterance in classroom and elsewhere, we may find many self-repairs exist. As Leo Van Lier pointed out: an ethnographic approach to the issue shows that repair is not simply a matter of learners committing errors and teachers correcting them in various ways. It is rather a matter of continuous adjustment between speakers and hearers obliged to operate in a code which gives them problem. This adjustment in interaction may be crucial to language development , for it leads to noticing discrepancies between what is said and what is heard, and to a resolution of these discrepancies. In Psychology of Language by David W Carroll: Speakers routinely monitor their utterance to ensure that they are saying what wanted to and in the way they wanted to. When errors are detected, speakers interrupt their speech nearly immediately and begin editing their utterance. So here come the questions for the teachers in foreign language classroom: 1. Should the students be encouraged to do self-repair in their utterance? 2. Is self-repair helpful for the learners’ language development? In this paper, some solutions of these questions are supposed to be found.
  II. What is Repair
  According to VanSacks and Schegloff, there are four types of repair. They are 1)self-repair issuing from self-initiation, 2)self-repair issuing from other-initiation, 3)other-repair issuing from self-initiation, 4)other-repair issuing from other-initiation. In this paper, the focus in on self-repair issuing from self-initiation. According to VanLier, repair can be defined as the treatment of trouble occurring in interactive language use. From time to time we spontaneously interrupt our speech and correct ourselves. These corrections are referred to as self-repair.
  The errors made by learners have always been a central point of interest for teachers and researchers. In the grammar-translation days, errors generally indicated rules insufficiently learnt or knowledge imperfectly assimilated. In the audiolingual days errors were regarded as cracks in the foolproof stimulus-response-reinforcement sequence. Later on, in the late sixties and early seventies a number of teachers began to realize that error were perhaps not just aberrations, admissions of guilt or inadequacies, or failure in the pedagogic system, but might be evidence of the learners’ creative efforts to build a new linguistic structure, in the similar way to children learning their first language.   In ordinary first language conversation, many people commit errors, but the mechanism of repair is organized in such a way as to avoid the face-threats and loss of face that might result from overt correction. Generally, hearers, upon hearing an error, leave it up to the speaker to do something about it, in other words, they expect speakers to do their own repair.
  In second language classroom, in order to become a competent member of a speech community, one must participate in the affairs of that community. Also in order to develop communicative competence one must learn to use the language code the way it is supposed to be used. This crucially involves letting speakers do their own monitoring and repairing rather than doing it for them. Repair is, in a sense, a mechanism to correct for imperfect adjustment. In other words, the better we adjust, the less we are likely to have to rely on repair.
  One thing that should be pointed out is that there are differences between repair and correction. Corrections occur only where there is an error, while repair can occur even without error. It appears where there is a trouble source, or more specifically whenever adjustment in interaction language use is necessary. The aim of correction is to make something correct while the function of repair is more broadly to make something appropriate, or more broadly effective in a certain context.
  III. An Observation of A Student’s Self-Initiated Repair
  According to Levelt, self-repairs have specific structure that consists of three parts. First we interrupt ourselves after we have detected an error in our speech. Second, we usually utter one of various editing expressions. These include terms such as “Er, Oh, I mean,” Finally we repair the utterance. The data in this paper came from an interview of fifteen minutes between a senior student and an advanced teacher for an oral test.
  Example 1. “When she look at .his own. Eh. her own picture…”
  In this example, the student realizes the error of personal pronoun and uses the word “Er” as self-initiation and repairs by herself.
  Example 2. “So. So eh we we can not we contradict. Contradicted.”
  Here, the word “contradict” is detected to be an error of tense. So, after a short pause, she repairs it, using the right form “contradicted”.
  Example 3. “He committed suicide to end his tragi-like tragi-life.”
  Here is a phonological error. The student repairs it immediately after the occurrence of the error without any hesitation.   Example 4. “He can, he can er just sit. Sit er when when he he come to a city, he
【摘要】英语的日益普及使其成为各个高职院校的通用课程,而且越来越受到人们的重视。在多年的教学实践中,通过对新生的拉网式检查验证,很多学生在语音方面存在一些问题,因此,本文将从新生的语音面貌、英语语音的重要性、课堂教学实施三个方面探析英语语音课程对高职新生的重要性。  【关键词】高职 英语语音 课堂教学  英语的普及度越来越高,这就使得越来越多的高职院校开设英语课程。英语课程的学习,最首要的是学好语
【摘要】为使职高英语教学与市场需求接轨,新课程改革倡导职高英语教学改革,《江苏省职业学校英语教材编写组·英语》是应用而生的创新教材,具有实践性的特点,因此,教师可以立足于教材开展教学活动,一是可以根据教材的活动安排实施教学活动,二是根据不同的教学内容组织多样性的活动,三是丰富教学内容划分教学层次为学生提供选择的机会,四是善用激励法,强化学生的成就动机。  【关键词】职业高中 英语教学 新课程  在
【摘要】初中英语教学发展时至今日,依然存在很多问题。在英语教学中,教师逐渐认识到口语教学的重要性,寻找适合中国教育的教学方法,并对传统的口语教学方法进行了反思和革新,收到了很好的效果,积累了宝贵经验。本文就主要针对初中英语口语教学存在的问题进行分析,尝试探索初中英语口语教学的新路径。  【关键词】初中英语 口语 思考  随着我国进出口贸易的迅猛发展,与国外做生意的人越来越多,在谈判时通常会用英语交
【摘要】幽默在教学中非常重要,可以把抽象的知识直观化,改变差生的学习态度。  【关键词】幽默 直观化 积极性  幽默是智慧和灵感相撞击的火花,它和缄默是性格迥异的孪生姐妹。前者洒脱、飘逸,只言片语给人以快乐或启示;后者深沉、持重,常在“此时无声胜有声”的氛围中给人以启迪。人们称幽默为“金”,缄默为“玉”,充分说明了它们在交际场合中的作用,同样,它们在教学中也有一定的妙用。  其一,幽默术能把抽象的
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【摘要】小学英语教学尤其是低年级英语教学需要靠近生活,贴近生活,走进生活,将英语带入并且融入每个孩子的生活中,成为他们语言的一部分,这样才能在实际中体现英语的真正价值之所在。而这就需要教师学会如何把课堂教学和小朋友的生活联系起来,从课堂的热身、导入、操练、提升和作业五个环节中渗透生活化教育,真正让孩子在生活中学英语,在生活中用英语。  【关键词】小学英语 课堂教学 生活化教育  英语是世界通用的一
【摘要】众所周知,高中生良好的学习状态、优秀的学习品质和高质量的学习成绩全部来源于高中生正确、稳定的学习动机。英语学科在这方面的表现尤为明显。因此,在高中阶段的英语教学过程中,教师要积极创设条件,千方百计的激发高中生的学习动机,让高中生在高中阶段就树立起正确的学习观,为将来学习和工作打下坚实的基础。  【关键词】高中英语学习动机 激 发培养方法  高中阶段新课改实施以来,新的教学理念可谓是深入人心
【摘要】漂亮的英语发音能够给人留下良好的第一印象,然而很多学生因为受到汉语的影响,英语的语音语调存在着一些问题,本文阐述了学生中普遍存在的发音问题,并且提出了改善语音语调的一些对策。  【关键词】语音 连读 模仿  一切语言都是有声的。要学好语言,必须掌握正确的语音。学好英语语音对掌握英语词汇、构词、语法、听写以及记忆单词、正确表达思想有很大的帮助。另外,我们说汉语的人由于长期生活在本族语的环境里