A Brief Discussion on Advantages of English Teachers in Vocational Colleges as Head Teachers Concurr

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English teachers in vocational colleges,serving as head teachers,take on a dual duty in the adult education and talent education of college students.It is required that head teachers play the role of parents,teachers and social workers in the adult education.Besides,they should develop a special relationship with college students,and the special relationship fuses family affection,friendship and love between teachers and students.The requirement of the talent education is that head teachers play the role of supervisors,encouraging college students interested and excited in learning English.The paper discusses three advantages that the vocational teachers have serving as head teachers from three aspects,namely,fostering college English teachers in vocational colleges, serving as head teachers, take on a dual duty in the adult education and talent education of college students. It is required that head teachers play the role of parents, teachers and social workers in the adult education .esides, they should develop a special relationship with college students, and the special relationship fuses family affection, friendship and love between teachers and students. The requirement of the talent education is that head teachers play the role of supervisors, encouraging college students interested and excited in learning English. The paper discusses three advantages that the vocational teachers have serving as head teachers from Three aspects, namely, fostering college
在英语的学习中,听、说、读、写作为四要素分别占有最基础最重要的地位。只有一开始听懂了,再慢慢张口去说,再到灵活运用交流。任何语言的学习都是如此,但长期以来,学生对听力的训练并未在中学英语教学中得到足够的重视,因而听力学习成为英语教学的薄弱环节。如何提高学生听的能力,对学习英语起着直观作用。  一、注重语音教学,抓好听力是基础  在英语学习中,语音是学习英语的基础,音标是语音学习的基础内容。因此,学
摘 要:目前,陈旧的技校英语写作教学模式在一定程度上阻碍了学生英语写作水平的提高。而互动式英语写作教学模式具有良好的可操作性,能够提高英语写作教学的效果,具有较强的推广应用价值。   关键词:互动模式;技校;英语写作   引言   写作一直是英语教学中的重点和难点。英语写作是技校学生熟练掌握英语的绊脚石,如何提高学生的英语写作能力成为了技校英语教师重点关注的问题。互动模式在技校英语写作教学过
通常情况下,很多中考前的英语复习都是采用的三轮复习法,第一轮跟教材复习,第二轮板块复习,第三轮整套试题缩合复习,即模拟中考题集训。   根据我班学生的情况,基础知识掌握不牢,课余时间英语学习不够,中差生较多的情况下,我把三轮复习转换成四轮复习法。第一轮跟教材,第二轮板块复习,第三轮综合知识特别是在短文中的运用,第四轮考前集中训练。   在第一轮中,针对我班中差生较多,为争取绝大部分中等生转化成
摘 要:当前义务教育阶段,中考属于教学中衡量学生学业质量的终结性考试环节,中考前的复习环节是学生提高学习效果的重要保障,初中英语作为中学阶段外语教学的重要课程,属于中考时的重要测试科目。本文针对中考英语复习的策略进行了梳理和总结。   关键词:中考活动 英语考试 复习策略   相对于教育教学活动来说,作为一种学业评价的有效手段,中考仍然是当前义务教育阶段衡量初中学生学业质量的重要终结性考试活动
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