
来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wk8954642
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Experiments were carried out to investigate the liquid flow distribution at high gas/liquid ratios in a cold model monolith bed of a 0.048 m diameter with 62 cells per cm2.Three types of distributor for the liquid distribu-tion were used to evaluate their distribution performance.Local liquid saturation in individual channels was meas-ured using 16 single-point optical fiber probes mounted inside the channels.The results indicate that 1) The optical fiber probe technique can measure phase distribution in the monolith bed;2) Liquid saturation distribution along the radial direction of the monolith bed is not uniform and the extent of non-uniformity depends on the distributor de-sign and phase velocities;and 3) The tube array distributor provides superior liquid distribution performance over the showerhead and nozzle distributors. Experiments were carried out to investigate the liquid flow distribution at high gas / liquid ratios in a cold model monolith bed of a 0.048 m diameter with 62 cells per cm2.Three types of distributor for the liquid distribu tion were used to evaluate their distribution performance .Local liquid saturation in individual channels was meas-ured using 16 single-point optical fiber probes mounted inside the channels. The results indicate that 1) The optical fiber probe technique can measure phase distribution in the monolith bed; 2) Liquid saturation distribution along the radial direction of the monolith bed is not uniform and the extent of non-unity depends on the distributor de-sign and phase velocities; and 3) The tube array distributor provides superior liquid distribution performance over the showerhead and nozzle distributors.
WO2 010 079 653(2010-07-15)。该压敏胶具有良好耐久性和防漏光性。液晶器件的结构包含有两基层之间的楔形液晶材料,偏光镜通过压敏胶层黏 WO 2 010 079 653 (2010-07-15).
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