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派出所的工作重心调整后,如何提高责任区民警做群众工作的能力?笔者认为,关键是要做到五个“三”。一、做群众工作要明确责任,做到“三定位” 一是把做群众工作的指导思想定位在忠于党、忠于人民、忠于法律的政治高度上。二是把做群众工作的支点定位在切实维护群众合法权益上。三是把做群众工作的责任定位在保一方平安,兴一方经济,倡一方文明,促一方繁荣上,为社会稳定、经济发展作出应有贡献。二、做群众工作要体察民情,做到“三围绕” 一是围绕群众关心的热点问题做好疏导化解工作。二是围绕群众关心的难点问题,做好攻关突破工作。三是围绕群众的切身利益问题,做好服务工作。三、做群众工作要时刻注意和树好自身形象,做到“三防止” After adjusting the center of gravity of the police station, how to improve the ability of the police in the area of ​​responsibility to do mass work? The author believes that the key is to achieve five “three ”. First, to do mass work, we must make it clear that we should be “three-oriented.” First, we should position the guiding ideology of doing mass work to the political level of loyalty to the party, loyalty to the people, and loyalty to the law. The second is to position the fulcrum of doing mass work in earnestly safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the masses. Third, the responsibility of doing mass work should be oriented toward ensuring peace on the one hand, economic prosperity on the other, advocating civilization on the one side and promoting prosperity on the part of the other to make due contributions to social stability and economic development. Second, to do mass work, we must understand the conditions of the people so as to achieve the goal of resolving the hot issues that the masses care about. Second, focus on the difficult issues the masses care about and do a good job in breakthrough work. Third, focus on the vital interests of the masses and do a good job in service work. Third, to do mass work should always pay attention to and tree their own image, so that “three prevention”
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