宏明电子实业总公司(715厂)电位器厂改革机制 再上新台阶

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宏明电子实业总公司电位器厂是一家专业生产各种电位器、轻触开关的工厂。拥有金属零件、电镀、注塑、膜片制造、成品装配五个车间。随着市场经济的发展,那种笨重的、大而全的国营企业模式已不适应市场的需要。为了在日趋激烈的市场竞争中占据一席之地,工厂领导雷厉风行地精简机构,取消过渡层,把金字塔式的管理结构改为扁平式结构,使信息传递更快,把决策权力、经营责任推向一线,既提高了决策效率,又提高了决策的合理性。各车间(经营实体)采取小而快的策略,做到单位体积小,产、供、销一体;生产试制增长快、转向快。在经营上,改变过去产品单一,市场单一(客户过于集中在彩电行业)的状况;加大新品开发力度、拓宽市场面,跟踪市场热点,追踪行业最佳。 Hong Ming Electronics Industrial Corporation Potentiometer Factory is a professional production of potentiometers, touch switch factory. With metal parts, electroplating, injection molding, membrane manufacturing, finished assembly of five workshops. With the development of the market economy, the bulky, large and complete model of state-owned enterprises is no longer suited to the needs of the market. In order to occupy a place in the increasingly fierce market competition, the factory leaders vigorously streamlined the organization and eliminated the transitional layer. The pyramid-based management structure was changed to a flat structure so that information could be delivered faster and the decision-making power and management responsibility could be pushed to the front. Not only improve the efficiency of decision-making, but also improve the rationality of decision-making. Each workshop (operating entity) to take small and fast strategy, so small unit size, production, supply and marketing integration; production trial rapid growth, turning fast. In business, change the past, a single product, a single market (customers are too concentrated in the color TV industry) situation; increase new product development efforts to broaden the market, tracking market hot spots, track the industry’s best.
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