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1979年式7.62mm轻型冲锋枪是我国自行设计定型的第一代轻型冲锋枪,目前依然是我军的制式装备。79式轻型冲锋枪工作可靠,机构动作流畅,外形小巧精悍,深受使用者的喜爱。但在近30年的实践应用中,该枪也陆续暴露出一些设计上的缺陷和使用上的不足。本文作者所在单位原是79式轻型冲锋枪的设计和生产厂家之一,近几年来承接了一些部队对该枪的大修任务。在对数万支服役年限较长的79式轻型冲锋枪进行检测以及修理后,发现这些返厂大修的枪支存在的问题具有普遍性。作者将这些共性的问题展示出来,希望使用者遇到这些问题时能正确处理。 1979 7.62mm light submachine gun is our own design and stereotypes of the first generation of light submachine guns, is still the military's standard equipment. Type 79 light submachine guns work reliably, the body moves smoothly, compact appearance lean, by the user's favorite. However, in nearly 30 years of practical application, the gun has also gradually exposed some of the design flaws and the use of inadequate. The author of this article was originally one of the design and manufacturer of Type 79 Light Submachine Guns. In recent years, some units have undertaken the overhaul of the gun. After testing and repairing tens of thousands of light submachine guns with long service lives, it was found that the problems with these gunshots overhauled were common. The authors show these common issues in the hope that users encounter these problems correctly handle.
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2005年8月,武警北京总队安定训练场。中国武警特勤大队向党中央反恐办进行了一场反恐怖训练成果汇报表演。表演中,4名特战队员携带88式5.8mm 通用机枪乘坐防弹运兵车迅速到达
MP5 9mm冲锋枪系列MP5 9mm冲锋枪系列被以下国家和地区采用:中国台湾、阿富汗、阿根廷、澳大利亚(特种部队)、巴林、比利时(警察部队)、巴西(警察部队)、喀麦隆、智利、哥伦
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。中国海军“旅大”级导弹驱逐舰@张全跃 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view prof
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