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人类社会出现战争以来,“兵从天降”就成了军事家梦寐以求的事。但在没有发明飞机之前,这只是一种梦想。直到第一次世界大战后,飞机和降落伞的问世,才为空降作战提供了物质基础。第二次世界大战期间,空降作战开始作为一种新的作战模式在战场上实际运用。二战后,随着科学技术和军工产品的不断进步,坦克、装甲车从天而降也变成了现实。空降战车集空中机动、地面火力、装甲防护于一体,是空降部队和快速反应部队最理想的装备。美国、俄罗斯和德国非常重视空降战车的研制和运用,并分别推出了各具特色的空降坦克、伞兵战车和空降战车。下面就让我们领略一下这些空降战车的魅力吧! Since the war in human society, “soldiers from heaven” has become the dream of military strategists. But it was only a dream before the plane was invented. Until after the First World War, the advent of aircraft and parachutes provided the material basis for airborne operations. During the Second World War, the beginning of airborne combat as a new combat mode in the actual application of the battlefield. After World War II, with the continuous improvement of science and technology and military products, tanks and armored vehicles have also come down from the sky. Airborne chariot set air maneuver, ground fire, armor protection in one, is the ideal airborne forces and rapid response units. The United States, Russia and Germany attach great importance to the development and application of airborne vehicles and have introduced distinctive airborne tanks, paratroopers and airborne vehicles. Let's take a look at the charm of these airborne chariots.
胃黏膜下恒径动脉出血,又称D ieulafar病。临床表现为突发性消化道大出血,表现为呕血及黑便,出血量急速且量大,属急性上消化道少见且易致死的病因之一[1]。笔者曾于1994年2月
自 1 98 5年中国首次发现并报告艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者和艾滋病 (AIDS)病例以来的 1 8年期间 ,AIDS疫情经历了输入散发期 (1 985~ 1 988年 )、局部流行期 (1 989~ 1 994年)和广
AEM: To investigate the expression pattern of epithelial cell adhesion molecule (Ep-CAM) on normal and malignant colon tissues to evaluate its diagnostic and th
在小学数学算法教学中应用比较思想无疑是开展有效教学活动,引发学生对数学的思考,是学生快速掌握算法的有效途径。 The application of comparative thinking in elementar
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2005年8月,武警北京总队安定训练场。中国武警特勤大队向党中央反恐办进行了一场反恐怖训练成果汇报表演。表演中,4名特战队员携带88式5.8mm 通用机枪乘坐防弹运兵车迅速到达
MP5 9mm冲锋枪系列MP5 9mm冲锋枪系列被以下国家和地区采用:中国台湾、阿富汗、阿根廷、澳大利亚(特种部队)、巴林、比利时(警察部队)、巴西(警察部队)、喀麦隆、智利、哥伦