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上海市私车牌照拍卖政策自1986年实施以来,逐步演化为一项颇有成效的机动车总量管制措施。本文尝试从公共经济学和政府管制理论出发,论述实施私车牌照管制的主要理由,对私车牌照拍卖政策的绩效进行了评价。 Since its implementation in 1986, the private car license auction in Shanghai has gradually evolved into a very effective measure for the control of motor vehicles. This article attempts to proceed from public economics and government control theory, discusses the main reasons for the implementation of private car license control, and evaluates the performance of private car license auction policy.
Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a common and potentially dangerous vascular disease with many risk factors related to its occurrence and development.This rev
Since December 2019,coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has spread rapidly from Wuhan,Hubei province,to other regions of China.To reduce and prevent cross-over infec
(4)TR声频传输器的典型应用,如图2所示。图2 TR声频传输器的典型应用示图4.用MR路由器构筑网络声频矩阵系统对于一个多音源的声频系统,利用MR网络声频路由器特有的信号交换功
Shunt dysfunction is a major complication of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS).Ultrasonography is a preferred method of shunt follow-up after
This study aims to report the Budd-Chiari syndrome clinical research status and progress that has occurred in over nearly 30 years in China,and emphasize the va
A 24-year-old man was seen 2 years prior for hematuria, hypertension (165/120 mmHg), and palpitations.The plasma normetanephrine (NMN) level was elevated (9812.