The Study on the Impact of Mattoe Ricci’s Preach on China

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  【Abstract】: Matteo Ricci is one of the Catholic missionary pioneers in China and he is also the western scholar who is the first person to read and study Chinese literature. He has a hand in spreading the knowledge of western astronomy, mathematics, geography, science and technology. What he has done has a great impact on China, and now to some extent, Matteo Ricci's preach and his works are deeply influenced Chinese people's daily life which reflects the great progress of modernization in China.
  【Key words】:Matteo Ricci, preach, impact
  1. Introduction
  Matteo Ricci was an Italian Jesuit priest and one of the founding figures of the Jesuit China missions. He arranged a set of Catholic theology and etiquette terms in Chinese. There were four missionary bases he built in China. Matteo Ricci made great contribution to the area of culture blending, for he circulated science and technology knowledge such as western astronomy, mathematics, geography etc. His 1602 map of the world in Chinese characters introduced the findings of European exploration to East Asia. His efforts, in some way, got China to get touch with the western civilization at that time.
  2. The Preach Activities
  In 1571, Matteo entered the Society of Jesus in April at the Roman College. While there in addition to philosophy and theology, he also studied mathematics, cosmology, and astronomy under the direction of Father Christopher Clavius.
  In 1577, he applied for a missionary expedition to the Far East. He arrived in Goa, a Portuguese Colony, the following September. Ricci remained there employed in teaching and the ministry until the end of Lent, 1582, when he was summoned to Macau to prepare to enter China.
  Expelled from Zhaoqing in 1589, Ricci obtained permission to relocate to Shaoguan in the north of the province, and reestablish his mission there.[]
  In August 1597, Alessandro Valignano (1539–1606), his superior, appointed him Major Superior of the mission in China, with the rank and powers of a Provincial, a charge that he fulfilled until his death.
  In 1601, He established the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Beijing, the oldest Catholic church in the city.
  Once established in Beijing, Ricci was able to meet important officials and leading members of the Beijing cultural scene, and convert a number of them to Christianity.
  In 1608, he sent a junior missionary to Kaifeng, Henan Province, the first of many such missions. In contrast to the cultures of South Asia, Ricci found Chinese culture was strongly intertwined with Confucian values and therefore decided to use existing Chinese concepts to explain Christianity, which contributes to different opinions among different people in later ages.   3. The Academic Contribution to China
  3.1. The Content
  In the area of astronomy, there are nine Ptolemaic spheres Ricci introduced as the four elements, the spherical shape of the earth, the greater size of the sun versus the earth, and the greater size of the earth versus the moon. In addition, he also built many kinds of astronomical instruments.
  In the area of mathematics, the most influential mathematical knowledge brought in by Ricci was contained in his translations of Euclid’s Elements of Geometry and Father Clavius’ Arithmetic, which started the flow of Western mathematics into China. The works on Western mathematics Ricci and other Jesults imported proclaimed the end of the era of “native mathematics”.[]
  As for the language, Ricci and Ruggieri compiled a Portuguese-Chinese dictionary, the first in any European language, for which they developed a system for transcribing Chinese words in the Latin alphabet.
  Also, Ricci composed the first European-style map of the world in Chinese, now called the "Impossible Black Tulip" after its rarity. What’s more, Ricci is the first who brought the western oil painting and its principles to China with his Western religious portraits as well. There used to be three paintings Ricci presented to the emperor , which includes one of Jesus’ mother, Mary.
  3.2. The Comment
  For a long time, most westerners especially those Catholic regard Matteo Ricci as a respectful, heathen-induction missionary. The easterners, however, treat him as a scientist who contributes to the communication between the east and the west.
  Although there are few disciples Matteo Ricci and his colleagues gain, but his efforts are considered to provide the basis for the punch of the Christian in later days. Because he circulates the doctrines through the Confucian scholars, which has made it easier for Chinese people to accept the less controversial parts in Christian.
  Pope John Paul II comments in The Speech on the International Academic Seminar of Ricci to Beijing for Four Hundred Years like this: The greatest contribution Matteo Ricci has made is to the area of culture blending. He arranges a set of Catholic theology and etiquette terms in Chinese to make it possible for Chinese to learn about Jesus Christ, and let the good news and the church to be born in Chinese culture. Until nowadays, it is the figure of Matteo Ricci and his works that reflects in Chinese people’s real life symbolizing the pace of modernization in China.   4. The Influence of Matteo Ricci’s activities in China
  In the early years after Matteo Ricci arrived in China, he built several missionary stations in China and began to be one of the earliest pioneers of the Catholic missionary in China. In the meanwhile, Ricci became the first western scholar to study the Chinese ancient books and records. He circulated the doctrine of Catholic through his status as a western clergy and by means of Chinese characters. Ricci made friends with Chinese officials and noted public figures. He spread the knowledge including western astronomy, mathematics, geography and science technology, and it’s no doubt that his works made great contribution to the communication between the western and China, which also influences the realization of Japan and the Korean Peninsula countries to the western civilizations.
  Works Cited:
  [1]Gallagher,The China That Was,America,The Bruce Publishing Company ,1942,P205-227
  [2]Lin Jinshui,Matteo Ricci’s Activities and Influence in China,The Research into History,1983, 01
【摘要】: 文献检索是指根据学习和工作的需要获取文献的过程。宋代朱熹认为“文指典籍,献指熟知史实的贤人,近代认为文献是指具有历史价值的文章和图书或与某一学科有关的重要图书资料,随着现代网络技术的发展,文献检索更多是通过计算机技术来完成。文献检索后所得到的信息有助于调整科研方向,对鉴定科研成果,也只有在文献检索的墓础上,才能做出实事求是的评价。因此,科学研究的全过程, 始终离不开文献的检索。  【关
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【摘要】:信息时代,网络已经成为社会基础结构和社会现代化的一个重要特点。随着互联网的迅速普及,大学生已经成为网络使用的主力军。网络在大学生信息交流、人际交往、拓展视野等方面显现出重要作用。但同时,它的负面因素所引发的网络道德问题也日益突出,成为人们关注的焦点,也成为伦理道德研究的热点。  【关键词】:当代大学生;网络道德;互联网;教育  据中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)历次的调查结果显示,中国
【摘要】: 为更好的开展大学生素质教育,鼓励同学们更好的在户外创作优秀写生作品,以及拓展自己的社会生存能力。在此,笔者以专业课教师的身份两次带领学生去河南安阳太行山大峡谷写生的切身教学体会为例,探索如何将鼓励式教学法运用到户外写生教学过程中去。  【关键词】:鼓励式教学法、艺术设计专业、户外写生教学  一、概述  (一)鼓励式教学法的概念  所谓鼓励式教育法也称赏识教育法,是一种在宽松、和谐、愉快
【摘要】: 钢琴作为当今世界最为普及的乐器之一,其在人们的日常生活中具有惊人的发展速度。同时,钢琴教学是当代音乐教育的重点基础学科之一,其对于学生的个人能力与素质的全面发展有着重要的意义。但在我国大力推行素质教育的今天,我国大部分高校的钢琴教学还停留在传统的教学方式上,不能有效地将钢琴的教学理论与实践科学地结合在一起,从而影响了钢琴教育中教与学的互动性。为了拓展现今钢琴教学的发展空间,我们要积极对
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【摘要】: 本篇论文运用“囚徒困境”理论对我国中小学生家庭作业"过量布置"的现象进行分析,笔者发现在教师和学生之间普遍存在着“双输”局面:每位教师在追求所教学科教学效果最优的过程中与其它学科教师通过布置作业进行博弈, 过量的作业不仅让学生疲惫不堪,失去了学习兴趣,也让教师在面对学生日益低下的学习成绩时,对学生失去信心。  【关键词】:囚徒困境理论;家庭作业  一.囚徒困境理论  “囚徒困境”理论为
【摘要】: 实施情境教学是当前教育改革的热点问题之一。情境教学的开展不仅有益于激发学生学习兴趣和求知欲望,还有益于培养学生联系实际的意识和学习迁移的能力。本文以高中化学课堂教学为主线,通过情境引入、情境展开、情境创设关键点这三个环节,阐述情境教学在化学课堂中的意义与运用。  【关键词】:新课改;高中化学;情境教学  在新课程改革不断推进、化学学科高速发展的时代背景下,要转变学生的学习方式,挖掘学生