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我国高职教育经过二十多年的发展,已经承担着为国家经济建设培养高层次应用型技术人才的重任,它对于当前的高等教育事业和国家的经济建设都有着举足轻重的作用。因此高职院校更要重视教育管理的作用,努力保证高职院校教育教学系统达到最佳状态有序运行,以取得最佳的办学效益和更高的办学质量。本文就是根据我国现在高职院校职业教育管理的特点,分析现状及其问题所在,提出构建多元的、系统的、可操作的高职院校教育理念的转变模式。 After more than 20 years of development, our higher vocational education has assumed the important task of cultivating high-level applied technical talents for the national economic construction. It plays a decisive role in the current higher education and in the economic construction of our country. Therefore, higher vocational colleges should pay more attention to the role of education and management, and make every effort to ensure that the teaching and learning system of higher vocational colleges achieves the best condition and orderly operation so as to obtain the best running benefit and higher running quality. This article is based on the characteristics of vocational education management in higher vocational colleges in our country, analyzes the status quo and its problems, and proposes a diversified, systematic and operational model of the transition of educational philosophy in higher vocational colleges.
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