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“巨蟒”的出现是个奇迹,就好像癞蛤蟆终于吃到了天鹅肉,前提是癞蛤蟆竟然长出了翅膀。之所以这么说,是因为在“巨蟒”之前,地球上从来没有出现过如此厚颜无耻,藐视常理和禁忌的一群人,同时又是如此学识渊博,才华横溢。一般来说,知识的丰富总是伴随着某种束缚的增长,这种束缚往往是心甘情愿的,所以文化程度越高的某个人或某个群体,自我约束的能力也就越强,逾越常规的勇气也就越弱。然而当这个人或这个群体彻底摆脱了这种束缚--这当然不是像这么随口说说一样简单的事--一种新的文化就诞生了。我们不敢说“巨蟒”就是创造这种文化的鼻祖,但至少可以说他们是这种文化在影像表现上的先驱。对一切其他文化甚至包括对自己的毫无掩饰的嘲讽和批判构成了这种文化的全部内客,而且手段极尽粗鄙下流之能事。而我们又没有资格说这是低级的哗众取宠和无理取闹,因为我们确实被逗得捧腹大笑,而这笑是建立在广博的知识与理性的思考上的,是完全的叹服与震惊。有人拿“南方公园”和“巨蟒”相提并论,事实上真要拿两者相比的话,除了稍稍有一点“巨蟒”的勇气,“南方公园”什么也没有。 “Python” is a miracle, as if toad finally eat the swan, the premise is that toad actually grow wings. The reason for this is that before the “python”, there had never been such a group of people who were so cheeky, contemptuous and taboo on earth that they were so knowledgeable and talented. In general, the abundance of knowledge is always accompanied by a growth of restraint, which is often willing to be bound, so the higher the level of a certain individual or group, the more self-restraint ability, beyond the conventional The courage is weaker. However, when this individual or this group is completely free from this bondage - which of course is not as simple as it is said casually - a new culture is born. We dare not say that “python” is the originator of this culture, but at least they can be said that they are pioneers in the performance of this culture. To all other cultures, including even their own unmistakable mockery and criticism, constitutes the entire inner guest of this culture, and with the utmost inferiority of means. And we are not qualified to say that this is a low-level grandstanding and vexation because we are indeed amused by laughter, which is based entirely on the knowledge and rationality of thinking. It is totally absurd and shocking. Some people take “South Park” and “python” compared to the same, in fact, really want to compare the two words, except a little bit of “python” courage, “South Park,” nothing .
冷战结束了。各国政治家们、外交官们依然四处 奔波,穿梭访问,在风云变幻的国际舞台上纵 横驰骋。只不过,在他们随身携带的皮包里,除了政治、军事机密外,又多加进了些商业合
No.二3-D OperatZons—An hresktZble Trend………The Commenti。tor of GPP(1)3-DLandoperatZons…………………………3-DSe卜micRescarchGroup(2)3-DStackDataProcessing…
罗伊·马凯,就是我,来自开满郁金香的国度,拿过金靴奖,遭遇过球荒,没有什么不良嗜好,也没有响当当的名号。在外面闯荡了N年,终于在去年衣锦还乡,听说了吗,我要来参加北京奥运了!    2003年5月28日    就在这一天,我知道自己已经提前获得2002—03赛季欧洲金靴奖了,能够成为欧洲最佳射手是最让人激动的事情,我想对一直支持我的朋友们说声谢谢。如果可能的话,我愿意用金靴奖来换取西甲冠军的奖杯。
LOCATED in southwesternShanghai, the ShanghaiMinhang Economic &TechnologicalDevelopment Zone hasemerged as a superior develop-ment zone with a favorable envi-r
本文主要从分税、维稳的体制弊端视角分析当前基层政府生存状态尤其是基层政府的思维和行为逻辑,进而针对性的提出改革的相关思考。 This article analyzes the present sta