夯实信贷管理基础 促进收购资金封闭运行

来源 :农业发展与金融 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wenshengfang1985
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去年4月以来,农发行达川地区分行计划信贷处从收购资金封闭运行基础管理工作入手,在收购资金投放、调销、回笼、结算、库存、贷款本息收回等环节实施严格监管,收到明显成效。年末,辖内收购资金封闭运行七项经济指标全面完成,名列全省前茅,分别被省分行和总行评为信贷管理先进单位。一、提高信贷队伍素质,适应工作重点转移。去年4月,国务院朱总理在长春四省(区)党政主要负责同志座谈会上的重要讲话和总行12省(区)分行行长会议精神传达后,该处在行党委的支持下及时组织辖内职工学习上级有关政策文件,开展反复讨论,适应工作转移,明确工作重 Since April last year, the Dafa District Branch of Agricultural Development Bank Credit Planning Department started from the basic management of the acquisition of funds closed to start the acquisition of funds, cancellation, withdrawal, settlement, inventory, loan recovery and other aspects of the implementation of strict control, received noticeable Effective. At the end of the year, the seven economic indicators for the closed operation of the acquisition funds were fully completed and ranked the forefront of the province with the provincial branches and the head office respectively being rated as the advanced credit management units. First, improve the quality of the credit team to adapt to shift the focus of work. In April last year, Premier Zhu of the State Council convened an important speech at the symposium on the main responsible party and governor of the four provinces (autonomous regions) of Changchun and the spirit of the meeting of presidents of 12 provinces (districts) Jurisdiction within the staff to learn the higher the relevant policy documents, to carry out repeated discussions, to adapt to the transfer of work, a clear job
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