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医院要想以“科技兴院”,必须及时掌握和准确利用技术情报。探索在医院开展技术情报服务,是图书馆服务工作的重要内容之一。近年来我们为医院科技开发、科研课题、引进技术设备提供的技术情报服务,深受各级领导的重视和医务人员的欢迎,是推动医院技术进步,提高图书馆服务层次的重要举措。 一、在医院开展技术情报服务的作用 改革开放以来,医院引进现代化的医疗装备逐年增多,科技开发和科研课题逐年递增,从而加大了对技术情报的依赖性,同时,对图书馆的情报服务工作也提出了新的挑战。它在医院开展情报服务的重要作用有: 1.在引进新技术新设备时起参谋作用。我们对拟引进的新技术和设备,结合医院实际情况进行需求评价、技术评价和优先次序的评价,详细搜集该技术和设备国内外技术资料和参数,提供给有关领导和使用科室参考。如1994年初,医院准备购置医用直线加速器,但是,人们对买进口的还是国产的各抒己见,院首长也是犹豫不决,责令我们论证。我们即对进口和国产设备的技术性能、效能特点等进行立体“扫描”和比较。最后作出购置国产设备的选型方案。院首长通过对器械管理人员、生产厂家和正在使用的医院进 Hospitals want to “science and technology hospital” must be timely and accurate use of technical intelligence. To explore the technical information service in the hospital is one of the important contents of the library service. In recent years, we have provided technical intelligence services for the development of science and technology projects in hospitals and scientific research projects and the introduction of technical equipment. They are highly valued by leaders at all levels and welcomed by medical staff. They are important measures to promote the technological progress of hospitals and improve the service level of libraries. I. The Role of Technical Information Service in Hospitals Since the reform and opening up, the introduction of modern medical equipment by hospitals has been increasing year by year, and the number of scientific and technological research and research projects has been increasing year by year, thereby increasing the dependence on technical information. At the same time, The work also posed new challenges. Its important role in carrying out intelligence services in hospitals is: 1. It plays a role of staff officer in introducing new technology and new equipment. We will introduce the new technology and equipment, combined with the actual situation of the hospital needs assessment, technical evaluation and evaluation of priorities, a detailed collection of the technology and equipment technical information and parameters at home and abroad, to provide relevant leadership and the use of departmental reference. For example, in early 1994, the hospital was prepared to purchase a medical linear accelerator. However, people expressed dissatisfaction with buying imported or domestic products. The head of the hospital also hesitated and ordered us to argue. We are three-dimensional “scan” and comparison of the technical performance, performance characteristics of imported and domestic equipment. Finally made the selection of domestic equipment selection program. Hospital chief through the equipment managers, manufacturers and hospitals are using
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