The Requirements and Domestication&Foreignization Strategy in the Translation of English Movie Title

来源 :青春岁月 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:duzhanghuaduzhanghua
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Movie is a popular art with both artistic and commercial values, which has already become one of the most influential mass media nowadays. In recent years we have witnessed a large flow of English movies into Chinese market, at the same time, English movie titles are being continuously translated into Chinese to meet Chinese audience’s growing needs. The translation of movie titles does not only mean conveying linguistic meanings simply, it’s also an important channel to touch the exotic cultures and develop our own cultures. As the titles of the English movies always carry the special cultural senses, when being translated into the Chinese, many factors should be considered and diverse methods could be taken. This paper aims to analyze some typical translation of several English movie titles, discuss the basic requirements of it, and introduce two possible coping strategies: domestication and foreignization.
枸杞菜属一次栽植,多年受益的蔬菜。大棚种植枸杞菜,冬季利用大棚覆盖塑料膜保温,夏季栽培苦瓜、丝瓜遮荫增湿,可做到周年供应。现将其栽培技术介绍如下:  一、育苗  一般在2月中、下旬至3月上旬剪取野生枸杞的健壮枝条扦插繁殖。  1. 苗床准备。选背风向阳、灌排方便、远离污染的地块,1月中旬铲除杂草,深翻15~20厘米,每亩地施入腐熟人畜粪1000公斤、火土灰1200公斤并耙匀;2月中旬再耙1遍,按畦
行情综述:本周(2014.10.11-2014.10.18)天气晴好,市场内各项农产品交易十分活跃,整体价格波动不大。交易量方面:水产、肉类稳步增长,其他农产品稳定;价格方面:叶菜、猪肉价格下跌,其他农产品价格相对稳定。  蔬菜行情:本周蔬菜日成交量3500吨,其中叶菜跌幅明显。其中有1种菜价上涨,7种菜价下跌。  价格涨跌:上涨的品种有:山东的西红柿(1.70元/500g),周环比涨幅:13.3
Language used in advertisement is highly practical due to its clear purposes which often include providing information and encouraging purchasing behaviour. A g