
来源 :幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dian
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现在,许多独生子女的父母总是不让孩子单独进行活动,事事护着孩子,有些事孩子可以做的也不让他干,因此造成孩子依赖性强、缺乏独立的生活能力。当然,父母对孩子生活上关心是必要的,直至把全部感情和爱抚都倾注到子女身上,也是无可非议的。但是,事无大小,全部替孩子包办,这对孩子是不会有什么好处的。马卡连柯在他的名著《教育诗》中写道:“一般人说,我是母亲,我是父亲,一切都让给孩子,为他牺牲一切,甚至牺牲自己的幸福。可是,这就是父母送给孩子的最可怕的礼物了。”这种“可怕的礼物”是孩子产生意志薄弱和依赖心理的根源。孩子能够依靠自己的力量做身边的事情,这叫做自主;再逐步发展,也就养成了独立性。要求孩子自己能做的事情自己做,不去麻烦周围的人,这是培养 Nowadays, many single-child parents always refuse to allow their children to do activities alone. When things are done, their children are not allowed to do anything else. As a result, children are highly dependent and lack independent living skills. It is, of course, necessary for parents to care for their children’s lives, and it is beyond reproach to devote all their feelings and caresses to their children. However, the size of things, all arranged for the children, which will not be of any benefit to children. In his famous poem “Education Poems”, Makarenko wrote: “Most people say that I am a mother and I am a father, and that everything is given to children, sacrificing everything for him and even sacrificing their own happiness, but this is what parents The most horrible gift to give to a child. ”This“ terrible gift ”is the root cause of a child’s weakness and dependence. Children can rely on their own strength to do things around them, this is called autonomy; and then gradually developed, it has developed an independence. Ask children to do things by themselves, do not bother the people around, it is training
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