A Study on Meaning Broadening of Network Popular Words as “Tuhao”from Folk Etymology

来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chinaoristand
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  【Abstract】The thesis chooses “Tuhao” “Baobao” and “Xianrou” as objects of study, employing folk etymology to make a fundamental description of meaning broadening process, which found that folk etymology show arbitrariness based on conventions in broadening meaning and inject infinite creative force into our language.
  【Key Words】network popular words; meaning broadening; folk etymology; trends
  1. Introduction
  The last three decades has witnessed the fast development of many network popular words. A category of them are old words which experienced meaning broadening in varying degree acorss time. “Tuhao” has derogatory sense known as local tyrants and evil gentry originally. Now, it gains commendatory meaning reflecting the changes in people’s social and psychological states.“Tyrant we be friends”“Golden”are famous all over the world. “Baobao” “Xianrou” broaden their meaning in the same way.
  2. Folk Etymology
  It is due to the popular use of meaning or other part of a word accepted by folks. People know the real etymology of words, but intend to create another different etymology or distort the original fact which is in order to express their own ideas or to achieve some linguistic purposes. It shows the purposeful choice of linguistic units of language speakers.
  For instance, an English word sparrow-grass, which is borrowed from French, has its etymology form as asparagus. It means Luwei in Chinese. Later, its phonological form changes into sparagus because of the popular use. Afterwards, people find that its phonological form is very similar with the words sparrow and grass that people frequently use in daily life. Thus, they tend to replace the monosyllable word sparagus with disyllable word sparrow-grass. Then people always cannot stop associating new meanings, judging its etymology and guessing its derivation relations by observing its new form which has undergone phonological and orthographical changes. Thus, folks usually think that the etymology of it is related to sparrow (Maque) and grass (Cao). And the sparrow-grass (Maquecao) is the one they get by the means of folk etymology (Fan, 1992).
  3. The Original Meaning for Words as “Tuhao”
  “Tuhao” appeared in the Northern and Southern dynasties history of Wei Jin at the earliest, which referred to the local rich and powerful family or individuals. Such as the usages in Book of Qi (Ding,2014):“Bainian,born in Zitong,moved into Huayang,served as Tuhao,and had a good reputation.” Book of Northern Qi (Ding,2014):“Give orders to send Tujue Horses to Yangzhou, which in order to supply and sale for Tuhao .”“Tuhao” meant some people who were financially successfully, took the dimensions of field, had religious forces to support them, and were very powerful in local areas. It stressed the cadastral attribute and reflected the structure of administration of local governments in traditional society(Cheng, Han,2014). The managing order was usually held by local tyrants, which contended to some extent against the authority of nation.   Besides, it was also used to refer to persons who were leaders of an area or region. Usually, the leaders had a high prestige with local people and were courageous and skillful in battles. In Comprehensive Mirror to Aid in Government (Ding,2014) :“At first, Tuhao Yang Xin from a famous and stately family served as feudal provincial under the orders of Zhou Dynasty, and his son Yang Zhongxun succeed to the position after his death.”“Tuhao” referred to a rich and powerful person who resided in borderlands in his lifetime, like the ancestor of Generals of Yang family called Yang Xin. He was a local heroic man who was very brave and adept at riding, shooting and battles. “Tuhao” in this period was a neutral word in biased-positive formation without distinct negative emotional color(Cai, 2015).
  However, the reputation of “Tuhao” had been more and more notorious with social development. According to History of Southern Dynasties·Weiding (Yu
【摘要】随着社会的进步,教师发现传统的“我教你学”的教学模式已不能完全激发学生对英语学习的潜能与兴趣。教师在教学实践中经过不断地探索与尝试后提倡“创意教学”。本文将从分析阅读教学现状、英语阅读创意教学的具体措施与方案、总结归纳创意教学注意事项三个方面阐述观点,以期达到提高学生阅读水平的目的。  【关键词】阅读教学; 创意教学;阅读能力  【作者简介】闵静,安徽省阜南实验中学。  在强调学生全面发展
【摘要】多媒体技术在课堂上帮助教师创设生动形象的教学情景,帮助学生快速进入英语学习氛围中去,多媒体技术与教育教学的完美结合,激发学生学习的兴趣,让课堂更加活跃,让学生更加主动,让教学内容更加丰富,让教学效果更是如虎添翼。  【关键词】多媒体;教学;初中英语  【作者简介】邹升燕,江苏省仪征市实验中学。  英语的听说读写四项技能对学生提出明确的要求,随着年级的增高,我们学生英语学习的难度也提升了很多
【摘要】小学英语阅读能力的培养是一项非常重要的教学内容。合理挑选英语绘本,对于提升小学生的英语阅读能力,更好地学习和了解西方文化,激发英语学习兴趣有着十分重要的作用。本文就英语绘本对于小学英语教学的作用,并结合课堂案例对如何合理挑选英语绘本以及如何有效地运用英语绘本提升小学阅读能力提出了几点做法。  【关键词】小学英语;英语绘本;阅读教学;课堂案例  【作者简介】曾华娟,广东省阳江市江城第一小学。
【摘要】随着科技的进步,越来越多的课堂教学采用了多媒体的形式。例如PPT,多媒体的应用能更生动的体现出课本中的知识。对于小学生来说,将新的知识用多媒体的东西展示出来无疑会增加他们的学习兴趣。因此将信息技术应用于小学的英语课堂能够更直观的帮助学生的理解。  【关键词】小学英语;信息技术;多媒体  【作者简介】赵智芹,江苏省沭阳县马厂中心小学。  引言  由于小学生刚刚接触新的东西,所以对他们来说一门
一、创意思路  “印章积分卡”指的是教师选择相应图案的印章印在卡纸上,配以不同的面值分,学生根据自己不同方面的表现换取印章卡,进行积分累计换算,既评价学习过程。积分卡成本低,简单易操作。  二、我的实践  1.前期准备阶段:  (1)针对学生方面的准备。1)选印章图案,定分值。经过学生讨论,选定笑脸、红花多种印章图案,面值分别为1分、2分、10分和50分。(印章图案可以在网上自选或定做)如下:  
【摘要】语言属于文化的重要载体,是文化传播和交流的重要桥梁。在全球经济一体化进程不断推进的背景下,教育和文化的融合愈发的重要。大学英语教学中,传统文化和西方文化的融合已成为必然。本文主要分析传统文化与西方文化在英语教学中的融合路径。  【关键词】传统文化;西方文化;英语教学  【作者简介】刘婧颖(1986.06-),昆明人,昆明理工大学津桥学院,副教授,硕士研究生。  语言和文化存在密切的关系,语
【摘要】学科核心素养是立德树人根本任务的重要方面,文章通过阐述英语学科核心素养的内涵,思考当前英语学科核心素养中的中学英语阅读教学设计存在的问题,并以此为根据提出教师在进行阅读教学设计时需注重培养学生思维能力、突出文章主题、科学设计情境等措施,以期完善相关领域研究,促进学生英语学科核心素养的形成。  【关键词】英语学科;核心素养;英语阅读  【作者简介】徐敏(1986.04-),女,汉族,四川双流