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佛经翻译史上的“文质之争”本质上植根于贯穿中国古代哲学的言意理论,是先秦儒道哲学及魏晋玄学言意理论先后在佛经翻译领域的表现形式。佛经翻译初期的“质胜文出”受孔子“言不尽意”论和老子“言道相悖”观的影响,是“重意轻言”哲学思想的体现,同期出现的格义方法也以先秦言意论为哲学基础;在佛经翻译的发展期,译界“文质相兼趋向”的背后驱动力则是“言意并重”思想,是魏晋时期王弼“得意忘言”论在佛经翻译领域的应用。这一时期的格义方法也因此呈不同表现形式,并随着佛经翻译理论的日渐成熟终受摒弃。 In the history of Buddhist scripture translation, “the struggle between the literary qualities” is essentially rooted in the theory of speech and intention that runs through ancient Chinese philosophy. It is the manifestation of the philosophy of Confucianism and Taoism in pre-Qin Dynasty and the theory of metaphysics of Wei and Jin dynasties in the field of Buddhist scripture translation. In the early period of the translation of the Buddhist scriptures, the quality of the texts is influenced by the view of Confucius “Inconsciousness ” and Lao Tzu ’s “Words contrary to Words”, which is the manifestation of the philosophical thinking of “ In the development period of the Buddhist scripture, the driving force behind the translation of the ”phase of the textual quality and the tendency“ is the thought of ”putting both language and meaning“ in mind and is The Application of Wang Bi in the Wei and Jin Dynasties to the Book of Songs From the Perspective of ”Happy Birthday". The meanings and meanings of this period also showed different manifestations and were rejected as mathematic translation theories matured.
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初冬时节,记者到山东省栖霞市桃村镇北楚留村林场采访,不时可以看到在路口、大树权上的公益广告牌: “劝君莫打三春鸟,子在巢中盼母归。”“留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。” Ear