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一个风和日丽的上午,在美国康州首府奥克西尼,我们见到了康州大学爱德华教授。他,满头银丝似的白发,微胖,非常健谈而风趣。他是立陶宛人在美国的第一代移民,在美国出生,主要从事研究人力资源。爱德华教授给我们介绍了美国雇员的招收、工资与福利等等。他说,美国规定不能有性别歧视,种族歧视,宗教歧视,残疾人歧视,等等。讲到工会情况时,爱德华教授说,美国工会最强大时是30年代,现在逐渐衰落。目前,教师和公务员工会会员较多,而制造业工会会员越来越少,其原因主要有,一是雇主对员工的工资福利待遇越来越 On a sunny morning, at Oxnard, the capital of Connecticut, Connecticut, we met Professor Edward of Connecticut State University. He, silvery hair full of silver, a little fat, very talkative and funny. He is the first generation of Lithuanian immigrants in the United States, was born in the United States, mainly engaged in the study of human resources. Professor Edward introduced to us the recruitment of US employees, wages and benefits and so on. He said the United States stipulates that there should be no discrimination on the basis of sex, racial discrimination, religious discrimination, disability discrimination and so on. Speaking of trade unions, Professor Edward said the most powerful trade union in the United States was the 1930s and is now gradually declining. At present, there are more teachers and civil servants ’union members, and fewer and fewer manufacturing union members. The reasons are mainly as follows. First, employers pay more and more for employees’ salaries and benefits
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Objective:To perform phytochemical screening,estimate total phenolics,flavonoids and to evaluate antioxidant potential of Moringa peregrina(M.peregrina) leaves.