Intercultural Competence: Recognizing Cultural Differences in Parenting Art

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  From the moment a child is born, parents imagine a bright, successful future for their child. Reaching that bright future depends upon a first-class education. A primary role parents fulfill for their child is ensuring the child learns to work hard to maximize educational opportunities to succeed in school and in life. While Chinese parents and Western parents both passionately believe in education, encouraging success and excellence in their children, they have different methods in teaching their children.
  1. History backgrounds
  America is an emigrant country with about 50 million immigrants. In this melting pot, due to the multicultural crash and influence, American people are easy to accept the new thoughts, new culture and blend it into their own culture to form the particular American culture. Because of the influence of multiculture, American people have more spirit of adventure and innovation. However, China has a long history of more than 5000 years. Chinese people are restricted by the traditional customs, especially the Confucius’ ideas. Children are always under the thoughts of obedience and conservativeness which weaken their adventurous and innovational spirit.
  2. Economic patterns
  Of all the aspects, economic patterns have made an important role. America is a developed country with better economy which brings more employment opportunities. With the sound employment mechanism, Americans have less stress than Chinese. So they have a relatively open eye on choosing an occupation. In American parents’ opinions no matter the job is highly valued or not, children can base themselves on the society. The economic system has made the “the society of capability”.On the contrary, China is a developing country with a large population so the pressure of living is greater. In China, the key to a better job is the diploma and Chinese always use the job to measure a person’s value. Therefore, Chinese parents regard the excellent grades and the decent job as the best way of achieving the stable life. Compared with American parents, Chinese parents seem to cultivate their children into “talents” to get a better diplomas and a better job.
  3. Social conditions
  The different economic and social conditions have created different thoughts of parents, because they want their children to adjust to the society and live a better life. Because of the better economy and less pressure on jobs, Americans have better social conditions. American parents finish their duty after their children are old enough to survive in the society in spite of what their children’s future will be like. How the future will be is children’s own choices. However, Chinese children’s future is regarded to be related to their parents’ old life. That’s why Chinese people have the heavier pressure than Americans.   4. Family values and principles
  Of all the reasons, family values and principles, are the most direct one to the different teaching methods. We can find that Chinese family regard the loyalty as an important value. Chinese parents think the relations between parents and children are significant including the children’ love and respect for them. So many young Chinese people still try to live near to their parents even after they are married. Chinese people have a stronger sense of collective quality than the individual sense. For Americans, the primary purpose of the family is to advance the happiness of individual members and the primary responsibility of the family member is not to advance the family as a group, either socially or economically. Based on the principle, they allow children to disagree, even argue with them, which is viewed as a part of developing kids’ independence. And furthermore, American people believe in a mentality of “self-help”. American family members regard each other as friends and everyone is equally treated. The old won’t live with their children even if they’re ill, and they will prefer living in the nursing houses to rely on the aid of government rather than live with their children. So the children in America have less pressure than Chinese children, they have more room to pursue what they want.
  We were born into a family, mature in a family, form new families, and leave them at our death. So The family is the first place that children are familiar with and Parents are the first teachers of their children. For the better development of children, Chinese and American parents can draw on the merits of each other and face up to their own demerits and misunderstanding of educating children. There will be a bright future waiting for parents and their children.
  【作者簡介】Wang Chun, Guizhou University of Commerce.
一位妈妈的愧疚  一年前的那天,在距离震中数百公里的东京,我也感受到了那种地动山摇般的剧烈摇晃。  虽然与东北灾区相比,东京的震感简直算是小巫见大巫,但还是让人感到非常恐怖。电视上不断传来灾区的悲惨画面,那一晚,在地震和海啸的余恐中,我失眠了。  年幼的女儿才刚满6个月,那以后的每个晚上,为了应对随时可能发生的余震,临睡前我都会将一个妈咪包放在枕边,除了手机和便携式照明灯,里面还装了奶粉、尿布、毛
【摘要】近年来,我国科学技术不断发展,人们的生活水平也不断地提高,互联网也已经进入家家户户了,网络新词、热词也逐渐渗透到我们的生活中,对我们的日常生活也产生了一定的影响,我们也在生活中频繁地使用这些网络新词、热词。本文以英语词汇的视角出发,观察网络新词、热词对于年轻人生活状况、当今社会现象产生的一系列的现象,可以看出网络新词、热词在不同文化领域所产生的作用以及价值。  【关键词】英语词汇;网络新词
【摘要】在英语阅读理解中,学习者经常会遇到as 与形容词或者分词连用的搭配,由于对此语法现象不熟悉,所以导致学习者对于句子不理解,从而产生对句子的错误理解。本文通过归纳法将as 与形容词或分词的连用的搭配进行分析和归纳,旨在帮助英语学习者真正清楚as 与形容词或者分词搭配的语法现象,从而提高其对于英语阅读能力。  【关键词】归纳法;as;形容词;过去分词;搭配  【作者简介】古楠,山西大学商务学院
【摘要】英语语音作为掌握英语的敲门砖,常常被中国的英语学习者忽视。而错误的发音会阻碍他们后来的英语学习。中国的学习者在学习英语的时候会受到母语或者方言的影响,语言学家认为母语负迁移对英语学习起消极作用。  【关键词】英语语音;负迁移;教学模式  一、背景  Gimson(1994)指出一个人在能流利地说一门语言之前必须要完全掌握发音。错误的英语发音会阻碍英语听力、口语、写作的学习。  贵州省方言属
【摘要】航空专业英语作为一门航空市场大力驱动型英语,对学生的对口就业起着重要作用。本文试从教材编撰、教师提升、校内实训方面浅析如何实现专业英语教学中师生的教学相长。  【关键词】航空专业英语;教学相长  【作者简介】张小玲(1985.9-),女,大学本科,四川西南航空专修学院,研究方向:英语教学。  近年来,随着中国民航的高速发展,各大航空公司以及机场对人才的需求量越来越大,同时,用工标准也越来越
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【Abstract】Poly-system theory is an important branch of the translation research school, it opens up a new way, which emphasizes the translation of in the multicultural context. This paper analyzes the
【摘要】随着新课改的逐渐推进,绘本教学受到了广大教师的一致好评。由于英语绘本中的学习资源较多且全面,将其加入小学英语教学中,可以增加小学生的学习兴趣,提高小学生的学习效率,为老师的课堂教学提供了无限的可能。本文对绘本教学进行简单介绍,并对绘本教学在小学英语教学中的应用进行分析。  【关键词】绘本教学;小学英语;教学运用  【作者简介】周艳(1990-),汉族,四川威远人,四川省甘孜州康定市姑咱片区
【摘要】纪录片集纪实与艺术于一体,是一种重要的文化载体,对文化的民族性构建起着重要作用。本文以BBC优秀纪录片《中华的故事》为例,从读者反应批评角度探讨其字幕翻译文本中文化的民族性构建及翻译策略。进而发挥“中国内容”与“西方渠道”的累加作用,为更好地塑造中国形象,传播好中国声音提供有价值的借鉴。  【关键词】纪录片字幕翻译;读者反应批评;文化的民族性构建;翻译策略  【作者简介】罗巧丽,刘小蓉,成