Influence of voltage on photo-electrochemical etching of n-type macroporous silicon arrays

来源 :半导体学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:DownLoad0005
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The influence of voltage on photo-electrochemical etching(PEC) of macroporous silicon arrays(MSA) was researched.According to the theory of the space charge region,I-V scan curves and the reaction mechanism of the n-type silicon anodic oxidation in HF solution under different current densities,the pore morphology influenced by the working voltage were studied and analyzed in detail.The results show that increasing the etching voltage will lead to distortion of the pore morphology,decreasing etching voltage will result in an increase in the blind porosity, and the constant etching voltage for a long time will cause gradual bifurcation.Through the optimization of the process parameters,the perfect MSA structure with a pore depth of 317μm,a pore size of 3μm and an aspect ratio of 105 was obtained. The influence of voltage on photo-electrochemical etching (PEC) of macroporous silicon arrays (MSA) was researched. According to the theory of the space charge region, IV scan curves and the reaction mechanism of the n-type silicon anodic oxidation in HF solution under different current densities, the pore morphology influenced by the working voltage were studied and analyzed in detail. The results show that increasing the etching voltage will lead to distortion of the pore morphology, decreasing etching voltage will result in an increase in the blind porosity, and the constant etching voltage for a long time will cause gradual bifurcation. Through the optimization of the process parameters, the perfect MSA structure with a pore depth of 317 μm, a pore size of 3 μm and an aspect ratio of 105 was obtained.
 患者,女,25岁,已婚。因“停经3+月,腹胀痛1+月”于1997年11月20日入院。LMP 1997年8月12日,查体:女性体态,痛苦面容,毛发分布均匀,无喉结,双乳发育正常,心肺正常。腹膨隆,压痛明显,腹水征
癌细胞通常有葡萄糖代谢增强,其确切机制尚不清楚。作者调查了促葡萄糖转移子(GLUT)在胃癌中的表达。方法 术中采集20例胃癌患者癌组织及远离癌灶的正常胃粘膜标本,采用反转
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