
来源 :微循环学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oraclenienan
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目的 :探讨年龄因素及地区因素对甲襞微循环的影响。方法 :按田牛甲襞微循环综合评分方法 ,对按不同年龄分组的 142例中国北京地区健康成人甲襞微循环进行观察、测量、计分、分析 ,同时将部分指标与国内报道的正常参考值进行对比分析。结果 :北方地区各年龄组健康成人甲襞微循环积分值分别为 2 0~ 39岁组 1.17± 0 .7、 40~ 5 9岁组1.74± 1.0 8、6 0~岁以上组 2 .48± 0 .6 1。各组的管袢形态、流态及袢周状态积分值及总积分值均随年龄增加呈递增趋势 ,组间比较有极显著差异 (P <0 .0 1)。各年龄组积分值均明显高于国内报道的同年龄组的正常参考值 (P <0 .0 1)。微循环的管袢数、输入枝、输出枝、袢顶管径随年龄增加呈递减趋势 (P <0 .0 5 )。积分值增高主要表现在管袢清晰度下降、畸形管袢率增加、血流缓慢、红细胞聚集、出血、乳头变浅、乳头下静脉丛可见。其中血流缓慢、红细胞聚集、乳头变浅、乳头下静脉丛可见出现率随年龄增加呈递增趋势。结论 :北方地区健康成人甲襞微循环加权积分值偏高且受年龄因素的影响 ,随着增龄积分值增高。 Objective: To investigate the effects of age and regional factors on the microcirculation of hyperthyroidism. Methods: According to the micro-circulatory comprehensive scoring method of tame cattle hyperthyroidism, the microcirculation of the hyperthyroidism of 142 healthy adults in Beijing, China, was observed, measured, scored and analyzed according to different ages. At the same time, some indicators were reported with the normal reference values ​​reported in China. Conduct comparative analysis. Results: The cumulative scores of hyperthyroidism in health adults in the age groups in the northern regions were 1.17±0.7 in the 20-39-year-old group, 1.74±1.08 in the 40-59-year-old group, and 2.48±60% in the 60-to-60-year old group. 0 .6 1. The tube shape, flow state, and state-of-the-art status and total scores of each group showed an increasing trend with age, and there was a significant difference between groups (P < 0.01). The scores for each age group were significantly higher than the normal reference values ​​reported in the same age group in China (P < 0.01). The number of tube turns, input branch, output branch, and dome diameter of the microcirculation decreased with age (P < 0.05). The increase in the integral value is mainly manifested in the decreased tube clearness, increased malformation tube rate, slow blood flow, red blood cell aggregation, bleeding, shallow nipples, and visible papillary venous plexus. Slow blood flow, accumulation of red blood cells, shallower nipples, and visible rate of papillary venous plexus showed an increasing trend with age. Conclusion : The weighted integral scores of hyperthyroidism in healthy adults in northern regions are high and affected by age factors.
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