
来源 :中国民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:binghemiao
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湖北省武汉市黄陂区占总人数57%的农村民兵走出家门,从事务工经商,其中基于民兵和退伍军人流动量更大,占70%以上。这些外出民兵的特点概括起来就是:流动性大,分布面广,稳定性差。具体讲,一是务工单位变换频繁,没有固定性;二是务工分布范围广,外出民兵多数是自愿组合,三五成群,成建制的极 In Huangpi District of Wuhan City, Hubei Province, 57% of the total number of rural militias went out of their homes and engaged in business and migrant work. Among them, more were migrant workers and veterans, accounting for more than 70% of the total. The characteristics of these out-going militias can be summed up as follows: large liquidity, widespread distribution and poor stability. Specifically, first, migrant workers frequently change, there is no fixed; Second, a wide range of migrant workers, the majority of migrant militia is a voluntary combination of small groups into the system
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一、词语例解1.manv.(1)给……配备人员(to supply...with men)We can man ten ships.我们可给10艘船配备人员。The management manned the ship with experienced hands.管
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
<正> 审美教育在美学理论研究中最为切近实际,因而长期以来受到理论及实践工作者的共同重视。但是,“美育”这个古老的范畴到底确指什么?这个最基本的问题在理论上却一直存在着不同的理解。近两年来,国内美育研究在澄清美育观念方面取得了一些进展,本文就此综述如下: 传统美育观念的局限与突破所谓“传统美育观念”是指那种以美育为简单的伦理教化和人生修养手段的观念。论者普遍认为,传统美育观念并不象其它传统观念一样,内里存在陈旧的需要破除的因子,它的主要局限在于过份狭隘,需要做进一步的拓展。他们主要分析了“寓
一、词语例解1.conflictn.冲突;抵触;不一致;分歧(a clash between ideas,feelings,etc.;adisagreement)This is an irreconcilable conflict.这是一个不可调和的矛盾。Armed
★Name: Francesc Fabregas Soler 弗朗西斯科·法布雷加斯·索勒  ★Birthday: 04/05/19871987年4月5日  ★Birth City: Arenys of Mar, Spain 西班牙马尔州的阿利内斯  ★Height: 180cm1.80米  ★Weight: 69.00kg69公斤  ★Club: Arsenal阿森纳  ★Position: M