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随着国民经济的日益发展,我国金属切削机床的拥有量已大大增加,其中包括相当数量的国外进口机床。机床的电气部份是机床的指挥中心,如果某部份一旦发生故障,就会使运行失常,甚至发生事故,因此必须贯彻以预防为主和加强定期检修维护的方针。当检修国外进口机床时,经常要遇到用新的国产电器来替换损坏的或技术特性很差的进口电器的问题。一般地说,自东欧及西方国家进口的机床,其电气设备具有外形尺寸小、重量轻、性能较好、寿命长和维护工作简单等特点。不过当其零部件损坏后,要获得相同备件是很困难的。因此必须选用相应的产品代替,如选择不当,对今后使用和维护会带来很多不 With the continuous development of the national economy, the ownership of metal cutting machine tools in China has greatly increased, including a considerable number of imported machine tools. The electrical part of the machine tool is the command center of the machine tool. If a part fails, the operation will be abnormal or even an accident occurs. Therefore, we must implement the principle of prevention and strengthen regular maintenance. When repairing a machine tool imported from abroad, it is common to encounter the problem of replacing imported or damaged electrical appliances with poor technical characteristics with new domestic electrical appliances. Generally, machine tools imported from eastern and western countries have the characteristics of small size, light weight, good performance, long service life and simple maintenance. However, when its parts are damaged, it is difficult to obtain the same spare parts. Therefore, we must choose the appropriate product instead, such as improper selection, the future use and maintenance will bring a lot of
新旧世纪交替的日子屈指可数。 全世界都在企盼着这一天。 人类迎来了新纪元,社会进入了新天地,民众开始了新生活。 世纪之交,回顾旧时,展望未来,勾勒前景,描绘希望,十分必
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