
来源 :中学生英语·学生综合天地 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gx8689326
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  Lei Feng, formerly known as Lei Zhengxing, was born in a poor peasant family on December 18, 1940 in Wangcheng County, Changsha, Hunan Province. Before liberation, his family members died with hatred one after another. Lei Feng became an orphan (孤儿) at the age of seven. He struggled to survive with poor folks’ help.
  After liberation, Lei Feng walked out of the painful life. He grew up happily under the care of the Party and the People’s Government. On January 8, 1960, Lei Feng was drafted (征募) into the army. Under the training and education of the military, he established an idea of serving the people wholeheartedly. He considered utter (完全的) devotion to others without any thought of himself as the life’s biggest happiness. He gave his money saved on food and expenses to the affected people and poor comrades (战友). During the holidays and the rest time, he often went to the nearby station to help the aged and the young, to receive and send passengers. When he was on a business trip, he brought water for the passengers and did the cleaning after he got on the train. He would not hesitate to offer help to anyone who needed it.
  What he did were very common things, but all embodied (体现) the lofty (崇高的) idea of serving the people wholeheartedly. On August 15, 1962, Lei Feng died on duty unfortunately. On March 5, 1963, Chairman Mao called on people to “Learn From Comrade Lei Feng”, so March 5th is the day of “Learn From Lei Feng Day”.
  Lei Feng helped comrades to learn knowledge by taking his books out for all to learn. His companion Qiao Anshan had a low educational lever. Lei Feng taught him to read and to learn arithmetic(算术). After knowing that Zhou’s father was seriously ill, Lei Feng sent his family 10 yuan in Zhou’s name. Comrade Han’s trousers were burnt a few holes by acid water when he drove the truck at night. Lei Feng found it, and pulled his hat down to patch(修补) the trousers for him. Qiao Anshan, who knew the details, said, “In order to patch your trousers, Lei Feng didn’t sleep until midnight!”
  One evening, the rain fell heavily. A woman with a baby in her arms, holding a child, carrying a burden, walked in the heavy rain with difficulty. Lei Feng stepped forward in a hurry to ask and know that the woman returned after visiting relatives from other places. Lei Feng put his rain coat around her shoulder and held the baby for her. Seeing that the baby trembled (发抖) with cold, Lei Feng took off his clothes and put it on him. He would rather soak(湿透) himself in the rain. He sent them home after two hours’ walk.
当清晨第一缕阳光氲开你的笑靥,被幸福滋润的目光投向远方,你可曾想过,如果在曾经的某一个人生十字路口你选择另外一条迥然不同的道路,现实会是怎样。  人生无常,我们通过一个个不同的抉择把它谱写成不同的乐章,也许只是一念之差,但结局将是一辈子无法置换的篇章。所以用心把握人生给你的抉择权,清醒地面对未来的每一步吧,因为人生只有一回,青春只有一次。    It was New Year’s night. A
Maybe the sweet smell of mooncakes has already reached your nose.   The festival is celebrated on the 15th of the eighth lunar(阴历的) month every year when the moon is at its fullest. I think you really
摘要 随着高职院校体育教学方式的改革,各高职院校在开展田径运动教学时除了要保证课程教学质量外,更应该注重学生的学习感受。目前,高职院校对于体育教学的重视程度较低,学生在体育课程中大多以完成学习任务为主要学习目标,这种体育教学方式不能引导学生有效掌握一种及以上的田径运动项目,也容易给学生造成心理和生理上的负担。因此,各高职院校和相关教育部门工作人员就应该根据我国现阶段高职院校田径教学的状况和教学目标
The three chipmunks (花栗鼠) and the female chipmunks get on a cruise (豪华游轮) and then begin their happy journey (旅行). On the cruise, Alvin becomes a real demon (捣蛋鬼) and makes a lot of trouble which make
单词知识    1. scientific adj. 科学的,细致严谨的; science n. 科学;scientist n. 科学家  2. therefore adv. 因此,所以  3. lighting n. 光线,照明; light n. 光,灯;adj. 轻的(反义词:heavy); 浅色的(反义词:darken)  4. hard adj. 坚硬的,坚固的(反义词:soft);  
即使你非常小心翼翼,文化习惯、文化差异、当地礼仪和风俗也可能会让你的环球旅游险象环生。从问候到饮食,稍不留神就会出差错,不仅让自己难堪,还有可能冒犯东道主。因此,当你到国外时要特别留心并尽量避免误入以下几种文化陷阱。  一 Touching Someone  触摸他人  1. Where it’s offensive: Korea, Thailand, China, Europe, and the
摘 要 市场不断发展,推升了企业人力资源管理模式的变迁。从原先的重视传统激励方式,到当代逐渐应用多种软激励模式。本文重点介绍了目前企业人力资源管理中,各种软激励模式的现象;以及企业人力资源管理中软激励运用的策略。  关键词 企业管理 软激励 应用  企业人力资源为了充分发挥现有人员的最大工作潜力,都会涉及各种激励制度,以保证员工的每一份付出都会得到正向的反馈。所以人力资源管理模式中的激励方式延伸出
摘 要 小学阶段的学生正处于身心快速成长的时期,既需要加强对文化课程的学习,掌握必备的生活学习技能,也需要树立正确的思想道德和价值观念。文化知识的学习能够帮助学生走得更远,而德育教育则可以保证学生走得更正。本文认为,小学班级管理工作对于班风的建设以及学生的成长有着重要的意义,在德育教育背景下教师以学生的成长需求为出发点,制定合理的班级管理策略,为学生的健康成长提供助力。  关键词 德育教育 班级管
第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共85分)  一、听力测试部分  第一节(共5小题, 每小题1分,满分5分)  听下面5个问题。每个问题后有三个答语,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每个问题后,你都有5秒钟的时间来作答和阅读下一小题。每个问题仅读一遍。  ( )1. A. It’s all right. B. He’s two. C. Very well.  ( )2. A. In the cl