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美国普林斯顿大学中国善本书联合目录(Chinese Rare Books Project)编辑部主任艾思仁博士(Dr.Soren adegren),是一位造诣精深的汉学家,最近在国际互联网上发表了《一封关于永乐大典的公开信》,对流失百年、现分藏于欧美及日本等国公私收藏家的《永乐大典》残卷之归属问题,提出了具有卓识的意见,已经获得不少国际有识之士的呼应。据初步调查,编纂于明代永乐年间、原有二万二千八百七十七卷的《永乐大典》,目前尚有近八百馀卷存于天壤间,其中除了中国大陆图书馆(如国家图书馆、上海图书馆、大连图书馆、四川大学)及台湾(如中央图书馆、中研院史语所)的收藏外,又有部分藏于欧洲(如英国大英博物馆、牛津大学、伦敦大学东方语言学校、德国汉堡大学、柏林人种博物馆)、美国(如国会图书馆、波斯顿图书馆、哈佛大学、康乃尔大学)、日本(如京都大学、东洋文库、静嘉堂文库、天理图书馆、大坂府立图书馆)、韩国(如汉城李王职图书馆)、越南(如河内远东学院)及一些海外私人藏书家之手。1959年,中华书局经辛勤搜访,曾影印出版征求所得的海内外三十馀(公私)家所收藏的七百三十卷、三百馀册《永乐大典》残卷。影印本将原书缩印为线装四开本。朱墨套印(书名红色、正文黑色),分装为二百零二册、二十函,流播学林,使读者得以稍补故国文物沦丧之憾恨。至1984年,中华书局又将陆续收集到的六十七卷底本,连同残本零叶五叶,合原有的七百三十卷,再度影印成七百九十七卷本,使现存《永乐大典》残卷的百分之九十九以上,均有了便于研究利用的影印本。此外,台湾(以中华影印七百三十卷本增入德国收藏本十二卷)及日本(天理图书馆所藏十六卷),也曾先后出版过《永乐大典》影印本。鉴于各家藏本之内容,大多已有影印本可取代的现状,而呼吁各家将所藏《永乐大典》原本归还中国国家图书馆的创议,表达了一种对中华民族及其文化的尊重态度,也体现了一种有利于东西方学术文化日益融合的睿智。 Dr.Soren Adegren, the editorial director of the Chinese Rare Books Project at Princeton University in the United States, is an accomplished sinologist and recently published on the Internet “ Open Letter to the Grand Ceremony, ”put forward a sense of conscientious opinion on the ownership of the“ Yongle Grand Ceremony ”fouls of the lost centuries and current collectors of public and private collectors in Europe, the United States and Japan and other countries and has already been echoed by many internationally-minded people . According to the preliminary investigation, compiled in the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, there were still over 8,000 volumes of the “Yongle Grand Ceremony” of the original 22,777 volumes, of which, in addition to the Chinese mainland libraries Libraries, Shanghai Library, Dalian Library, Sichuan University) and Taiwan (such as the Central Library, Academia Sinica Historian) collection, there are some hidden in Europe (such as the British British Museum, University of Oxford, University of London Oriental Language (Such as the Library of Congress, Boston Library, Harvard University, Cornell University), Japan (such as Kyoto University, Toyo Bunkyo Library, Jingjagang Library, Tenryi Library, Osaka Prefectural Library), South Korea (such as Seoul Lee King’s Library), Vietnam (such as Hanoi Far East College) and some overseas private collectors. In 1959, Zhong Hua Bookstore, after hard-working search, had photocopied and published the fouls of the “Yongle Grand Ceremony” of over 300 volumes collected by more than 30 public (private) and private houses at home and abroad. Photocopies of the original book will be the original book for the fourth edition. Zhu ink overprint (title red, the body of black), divided into two hundred and two volumes, 20 letters, spread Xue Lin, the reader was able to make up for the loss of national heritage resentment hate. By 1984, the Zhonghua Book Bureau, in turn, would collect 67 copies of the original copies, together with the remaining five leaves of the remaining leaves, together with the original 730 volumes, and re-imprinted them into 797 volumes so that the existing “Paradise Ninety-nine percent or more of the ”Grand Ceremony“ canvases have been photocopied to facilitate research and utilization. In addition, photocopies of ”Yongle Grand Ceremony“ have also been published in Taiwan (with a total of 730 volumes of Chinese printing added to the 12 volumes of the German Collection) and Japan (16 volumes of the Library of Heavenly Science). In view of the fact that most of the books in Tibet have been replaced by photocopies, most of them urge the various families to return the original version of the ”Yongle Grand Ceremony" to the China National Library and express their respect for the Chinese nation and its culture. But also embodies a wisdom that is conducive to the increasingly integration of academic culture between the East and the West.
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