On the Tragedy of Miss Brill in Katherine Mansfield's Miss Brill From the Perspective of Contra

来源 :校园英语(上旬) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yoyo220
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Miss Brill is a well-known short story of the English writer Katherine Mansfield who is adept in the description of ones interior monologue and analyzing the mental world of human being. Through contrasts between Miss Brills recalls of her past and the present world, between her good mood from the very beginning to the very end and bad mood in the end, and between the aging Miss Brill and the young lovers, this paper shows the loneliness, disillusionment and tragedy of Miss Brill.
This article offers a critical review of the existing evaluation of The Good Earth,both its English original and the Chinese translation,through which the recep
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【Abstract】Eugene A. Nida’s Functional Equivalence is a very useful theory in translation. This theory considers that translation is transference of the source language into the meaning of the target l
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【摘要】“火”及火意象在小说《简·爱》中被反复提到,被赋予了种种情绪、气氛及至主人公命运的深层次内涵,本文将从愤怒之火、爱情之火、温暖之火、生命之火来谈谈“火”在这部小说中的意象。  【关键词】火 简爱 意象  【Abstract】“Fire”images was repeatedly mentioned in the novel of Jane Eyre, which endowed with