On Eugene A. Nida’s Functional Equivalence

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  【Abstract】Eugene A. Nida’s Functional Equivalence is a very useful theory in translation. This theory considers that translation is transference of the source language into the meaning of the target language in the way the author intended the text. It has a deep influence on translation.
  【Key words】Functional Equivalence; translation; typical uses
  Eugene A. Nida’s , the famous American linguist,carried out the Functional Equivalence theory. The role of the reader had almost been neglected for quite a long time in the history of translation theory. We have been talking too much on how to make our translation faithfully, so that the reader’s reaction to a version is given little notice. Eugene A. Nida, his introduction of the readers’ role cast a new light on translation theory. “The readers of a translated passage should be able to comprehend it to the point that they can conceive of how the original readers of the text must have understood and appreciated it. In this article, I will mainly focus upon some cases of translation concerning “functional equivalence”.
  I. Politics
  The word “politics”has manifold senses in the English language. Please look at the following sentences:
  He has never taken an interest in politics.他对政治从不感兴趣。
  He didn’t need any lessons when it came to office politics. 说到办公室明争暗斗,他无师自通。
  She went to Cambridge to read politics. 她去剑桥攻读政治学。
  In Longman Dictionary , “politics”is means: to speak or act in such a way as to make people argue among themselves, distrust each other, have doubts about the safety of their position, etc., in other to gain an advantage for oneself. In the westerners’ concept, politics can sometimes be dirty.Here is another example:John was deeply involved in university politics. 约翰深深的陷入到大学里的系派斗争中。However , in Chinese, “politics” is never derogatory. “关心政治” is usually used to describe a person who always keeps himself actively in line with the country’s domestic affairs, development and prosperity. However , if “关心政治”is translated literally, it will be concerned about politics. This translation won’t make an English native speaker understand the same way as its Chinese version affects its reader.
  II. To fall on one’s sward
  This expression originated in ancient Rome. The ancient Romans went to great lengths to appreciate the military valour. Once they lost, many Roman soldiers would fall on their swords to kill themselves. Such a death is considered an honorable thing. However, if we say “he falls on his sword” today, it is meanly used in a figurative sense-when a disaster is impending, he takes the full responsibility , or even sacrifices himself. For instance, if a politician regions his position after he had caused a grave loss through an oversight, in a way we can say he “has fallen on his sword”.   Most probably, as a result of frequent conflicts in the national politics and economy, the Americans especially prefer the expression “to fall on one’s sword”. For instance, in 1987, there was a wide divergence in the discount rate between James Baker , the U.S. Secretary of Finance, and Alan Greenspan, Chairman of Federal Reserve Board. On October 12 of the same year, Hobart Rowen wrote this commentary in the Washington Post:When Baker learned from the Greenspan’s plan to boost the Federal reserve discount rate ,he tried unsuccessfully to persuade Greenspan to ask Japanese and Germans to lower their rates in the coordinated action. “It was not a big deal,not something that Baker was going to fall on his sword about.”
  Here if “ fall on his sword” is translated into “扑剑而亡”,it will provoke nothing of the original readers’ response among the target readers. A Chinese reader will be puzzled by the diction of “扑剑而亡”. In order to make it across to the Chinese reader, the translator has to do a lot of interpretation work. I think “赴汤蹈火”sounds similar to a Chinese ear, and meanwhile it takes on the clues suggested by “fall on one’s sword”. In other words, “赴汤蹈火” may be regarded as a kind of functional equivalence of “fall on his sword”in this context.
  III. Be armed to the teeth
  “全副武装”also uses such kind of functional equivalence. For example: The troops had already been armed to the teeth.How would you translate this sentence? Which one do you prefer?, “部队已经全副武装” or“武装到牙齿”?I would rather choose the better translation. For “武装到牙齿”is more vivid and expressive.The word “tooth” is usually associated with something a little bit interior, such as “be armed to the teeth”, “be dressed to the teeth”. In the Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary “to the teeth” is listed as a phrase, meaning “fully, completely”. If one is armed to the teeth, he is not only armed outwardly, a little bit inwardly.He is armed completely.
  In order to achieve “functional equivalence” in translation, a translator must be a biliguist, a biculturist, a skillful and knowledgeable, with an unusual sensitivity to one’s resources of languages and with a command skill of translation.
  [1]Nida,Eugene.Language,Culture and Translating.Foreign Language Education Press.2009.
  [2]Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.Longman Group Limited.2010.
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