Exploration of English Listening Capacity Based on Multimedia and Network Teaching of Middle School

来源 :校园英语·上旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:m109bowen
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  【Abstract】Listening comprehension is considered as a complex cognitive process, and requires listeners to organize and construct intuitively language meaning by means of connecting what they have already known before with what they are listening in listening materials or text. As we all know, listening is one of the most important components in English test, so it is necessary to train the students’ listening to increase their listening level. With the progress of technology, multimedia and network teaching gets down to be applied in listening teaching, which has a fairly great influence on the enhancement of English listening capacity. This thesis aims at exploring the effect of multimedia and network teaching on English listening capacity of middle school students, and gives some advice to refine listening teaching methods and improve listening ability of middle school students.
  【Key words】English listening capacity; multimedia and network teaching; middle school students; listening teaching
  I. introduction
  With the growth of modern information technology, more advanced teaching models are introduced English class teaching. Multimedia and network technology becomes one of the most popular English teaching models, especially used in listening teaching. Multimedia and network teaching owns many advantages, such as network comprehensiveness, information opening, and activity interaction. It is a novel teaching tool relating graphics, literature, painting, and music (Yang, 2015). It is convenient to use and provides an effective way for middle school students to learn English listening. In the past, English teaching often pays attention to reading and writing instead of listening and speaking of middle school students. However, at present, the society demands more people with comprehensive practical capacity. Therefore, in addition to get good scores in listening, students must take a variety of strategies to enhance their own listening comprehensive capacity. Listening teaching can’t totally base on test-oriented education to purely improve listening scores, but requires taking effective methods to form the listening comprehensive capacity of middle school students. The thesis mainly aims to explore the influence of multimedia and network teaching on English listening ability of middle school students, and comes up with some suggestions to refine listening teaching methods and improve listening comprehensive ability of middle school students.   II. Practicability of multimedia and network teaching
  1. Abundance of content and convenience of usability
  Multimedia and network teaching, as a modern teaching method, includes a large amount of information, and it is very convenience to operate. Nowadays, it has become the main mode of English teaching for middle school students and it can make students participate in actively English class teaching and improve English comprehensive ability. According to the literature about language learning environment, in the acquiring process of the second language, favorable and spectacular language learning environment plays a rather important part in English learning. That is because language learning requires learners to connect their own psychological mechanisms with their linguistic environment (Jing
【摘要】“学困生”的转化是初中教育阶段的一项重要任务。长期以来,由于受社会、家庭、学校等诸方面的影响,“学困生”的转化策略成了一个困扰广大教师的难题。本文试从分析“学困生”的成因入手,提出了具体的转化策略。  【关键词】学困生 成因 转化 策略  “学困生”是指班级中智力发展正常,但由于受家庭原因、自身原因以及学校等多方面原因的影响,无心学习,学习成绩低下,从而被一些教师以及其他学生所轻视的学生个
【摘要】在小学英语教学过程中开展混合式教学模式,对于提高教学的有效性,提升学生的英语综合素养有着非常重要的作用。混合式教学模式对于教学内容、教学模式和教学理念等进行了有效的整合,通过不断优化,结合学生的实际情况,从而保证更加有效地开展英语教学活动。  【关键词】小学英语 混合式 应用  前言  在信息时代背景下,混合式教学模式是一种综合了线上教学和线下教学相结合的一种非常重要的模式,对于学生学习英
【摘要】随着社会进步,“互联网 ”的教育模式逐渐达至一线教育工作中,作为一线高中英语教师,我们要学会把“互联网 ”的相关知识技能运用到高中英语教学中。本文对“互联网 高中英语”实施背景进行了分析,对利用“互联网 高中英语”这一教育模式开展课堂教学的策略进行概述。  【关键词】互联网 高中英语 课堂教学  一、“互联网 高中英语”的实施背景  1.“互联网 ”的社会背景。“互联网 ”是当今社会发展
【摘要】口语教学包含语音训练、语法和词汇教学、会话技巧教学、交际技能教学、文化教学。而中国学生学习英语时,暴露出了一些问题。譬如:语调不对、单词发音不准、俚语积累少、思维方式和表达顺序不正确等。本篇文章以交际教学法为背景,根据该教学法在实际英语口语课堂教学的应用,分析学生学习英语口语遇到问题的原因,获得合适的教学策略,以解决中国学生在汉语环境下学习英语口语的困难。  【关键词】英语口语 交际教学法
【摘要】在新课程改革标准背景之下,对初中英语教学理念和方式都有了更高层次要求,要想提升初中英语教学有效性,教师就要根据实际情况整改自身教学方式和理念,以有效提升教学质量,充分发挥出学生学习英语积极性和主动性。鉴于此,本文分析了目前初中英语教学过程中存在问题,并提出了提升教学有效性策略。  【关键词】高中英语 有效性 教学策略  引言  新课改背景下,初中英语在教学过程中要迎接新一轮巨大挑战,尤其是
Preparing for a lesson before teaching is the starting point of the whole teaching procedure. It’s the precondition and guarantee of a good lesson. Without comprehensive consideration and an all-sided
【摘要】在英语文化中,有可能影响、侵犯到他人的行为众多,这些失礼的行为往往会给他人带来不利的影响,给他人带来不便。这时继续道歉行为来维持和谐的人际关系。英语中的道歉行为包括直接道歉、对自己的行为进行解释与说明道歉以及主动承认错误等道歉方式,需要在不同具体情境下选择合适的道歉行为。现文章主要针对英语中的道歉言语行为和道歉策略进行研究。  【关键词】英语语言 道歉行为 道歉策略  道歉是语言交际中的一
【摘要】高职院校里面的学生干部,是学校内部日常性学生管理工作的重要力量,学生干部队伍的建设,也关系到学校思想政治教育的整体面貌,集中反映出学生管理工作的质量和成效。然而,目前高职院校学生干部队伍建设现状却存在着令人不甚满意的地方,有些问题深度制约着高校内部整个学生管理工作的顺利运行,所以,必须研究和探寻到提高学生干部队伍建设水平的新思路和新策略。  【关键词】高职院校 学生干部 队伍建设 现状分析