
来源 :中国电视(纪录) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xt100q
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《西湖》播出后,反响异常强烈,回想三年多来为这部10集文化纪录片所费的心思,我便把它叫做三说而行。一是学问者说,即拍摄精神层面而言。2006年初集团制定了十部精品制作规划,其中之一便是《西湖》。动手之初,我就和大家讲不要急着拍,先到图书馆去钻一钻,到博 After the broadcast of “West Lake”, the response was unusually strong. Looking back over the thought I had spent in the past three years for this 10-episode documentary documentary film, I called it the third one. First, the learners said that shooting spirit level. In early 2006, the Group formulated ten boutique production plans, one of which is “West Lake.” Hands-on, I’ll tell you not to rush to shoot, first go to the library to drill a drill to Bo
The thermal shift of 5d energy level of Eu~(2+) doped in Sr_5(PO_4)_3Cl have been measured in 10~700 K.A simulation calculation was worked out with a modified t
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The NaF-CaF_2 system has been studied by molecular dynamics simulation.The paircorrelation functions between cations and anions and the bond angle distribution
对影响沥青混凝土路面平整度的各个因素进行了较细致的分析,同时提出了一些解决措施。 Various factors influencing the evenness of asphalt concrete pavement are analy
The properties of temperature dependence of conductivity σ of electron beam evaporateda-Si_(1-x)Gd_x films which was deposited on some substrates of glass and
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