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海钓,在欧美发达国家已有上百年的发展历史,是一项高雅的休闲活动和高度刺激的竞技运动,与高尔夫、骑马、网球一起被列入四大贵族运动之一而倍受青睐。美国2.84亿人口有1500万艘钓鱼艇,近千万的海钓爱好者,1l亿美元的消费带来的是30多亿美元的产业(详见我刊第15期《美国钓鱼现状报告》);日本有3000万钓鱼爱好者,占全国人口的20%多,仅渔具、渔饵的年零售额就达7.5亿美元,海钓在日本国内服务业GDP的比重中占有重要一席。海钓,在我国的兴起虽是近几年的事情,但它的发展非常迅猛,从国外传到国内;从香港转到深圳;又从南方波及北方;再由业余升为专业;由散兵游勇发展到现在的俱乐部规模运作,充分体现了它强盛的生命力。但我国海钓产业的经济总量还偏小,海钓的产业化之路还处于成长的阶段。9月19日~22日,由国家体育总局、大连市政府主办,大连市长海县人民政府、大连体育局、大连市旅游局和小长山岛乡政府承办的第十一届大连长海国际钓鱼节暨2008全国海钓锦标赛将在长山列岛海域举办。借此机会,长期从事海洋旅游经济研究的王依欣先生围绕中国海钓的产业化问题,阐述了自己的研究观点。 Sea fishing, developed countries in Europe and the United States have hundreds of years of development history, is an elegant leisure activities and highly competitive sports, golf, riding, tennis included in one of the four aristocratic sports and much of the favor. There are 15 million fishing boats and nearly 10 million fishing enthusiasts in the 284 million people in the United States. The consumption of 11 billion U.S. dollars brings over 3 billion U.S. dollars of industry (for details, see my 15th issue of the U.S. State of Fishing Report) Japan has 30 million fishing enthusiasts, accounting for more than 20% of the country’s population. Only fishing gear and fishing lures have an annual retail sales of 750 million U.S. dollars. Fishing plays an important role in the proportion of domestic service industry in Japan. Although the rise of sea fishing in our country is a matter in recent years, its development has been very rapid. It has spread from abroad to the Mainland, from Hong Kong to Shenzhen, from the south to the north, from the south to the north, and then from amateurs to professions. To the current scale of operation of the club, fully reflects its strong vitality. However, China’s fishing industry, the total economy is still small, the industrialization of fishing is still in the road of growth stage. From September 19 to September 22, the 11th Dalian Changhai International Fishing, hosted by General Administration of Sport of China and Dalian Municipal Government, Dalian Changhai People’s Government, Dalian Sports Bureau, Dalian Tourism Bureau and Xiaojianshan Island Township Government, Festival cum 2008 National Fishing Championships will be held in the Changshan Islands. Taking this opportunity, Mr. Wang Yixin, who has been engaged in the marine tourism economy for a long time, elaborated his own research point of view on the industrialization of Chinese fishing.
All-optical regeneration based on self-phase modulation in microstructured fibers is studied. The effects of pulse peak power into the fiber, pulse width and fi
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