Clinicaland Experimental Study on Chronic Prostatitis with Blood Stasis Syndrome Treated by Prostati

来源 :Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medici | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hljfox
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Objective: To test and verify the effects of prostatitis decoction and its capsule on the treatment of chronic prostatitis with blood stasis Syndrome, and its therapeutic mechanism. Methods: The total of 561 patients were treated for 2 months, decoction group 322 cases, and capsule group 239 cases. As control group, 95 patients were treated with Qianliekang (前列康) tablets. Expressed prostatic secretion (EPS) pH and Zn content were measured before and after treatment. Observation on hemorheology and microcirculation disturbance with animal experiments were conducted. Results: The cure rate of prostatitis decoction and capsule groups was 65.8%, and 54.4% respectively, that of the control group was only 17.9%. EPS pH and Zn were markedly improved after prostatitis decoction treatment. Experimental work revealed that prostatitis decoction and its capsule had lowered the whole blood viscosity, thrombocyte adhesiveness rate and dry weight of thrombus in blood stasis rabbit model; and on rats model of microcirculation disturbance caused by adrenalin, the prostatitis decoction and its capsules had obviously delayed the occurrence of reduction and stopping of blood flow in arterioles. Conclusion: Prostatitis decoction (capsule) was effective in treating chronic prostatitis. Objective: To test and verify the effects of prostatitis decoction and its capsule on the treatment of chronic prostatitis with blood stasis Syndrome, and its therapeutic mechanism. Methods: The total of 561 patients were treated for 2 months, decoction group 322 cases, and capsule group 239 cases. As control group, 95 patients were treated with Qianliekang tablets. Expressed prostatic secretion (EPS) pH and Zn content were measured before and after treatment. Observation on hemorheology and microcirculation disturbance with animal experiments were conducted. Results : The cure rate of prostatitis decoction and capsule groups was 65.8%, and 54.4% respectively, that of the control group was only only 17.9%. EPS and Zn were markedly improved after prostatitis decoction treatment. Experimental work showed that prostatitis decoction and its capsule had lowered the whole blood viscosity, thrombocyte adhesiveness rate and dry weight of thrombus in blood stasis rabbit model; and on rats model of microcirculation disturbance caused by adrenalin, the prostatitis decoction and its capsules had significantly delayed the occurrence of reduction and stopping of blood flow in arterioles. Conclusion: Prostatitis decoction (capsule) was effective in treating chronic prostatitis.
R .A .Brualdi[美 ]在所著《组合学导引》一书中利用“差分表”作为工具能有效地处理多项式并进行组合求和 本文发现了一种全新的计算工具———“三角形除法” 它的应用范
为探讨针吸穿刺技术能否与FCM 技术结合应用于隐睾症研究,对20 例隐睾症未降睾丸通过开放活检及针吸穿刺所获病理标本分别行FCM 检测,对比二者结果。结果两种方法结果呈高度相关(1C,2C,4C,r 值分别