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德为素质之基,为人之本。对未成年人进行思想道德教育,是教育最基础的、也是最永恒的话题。德育要讲求实效,广大中小学教师对此已经开展了许多有益的尝试;而编发这类稿件,又如何使读者开卷后有更好的实效呢?本期论坛板块的主题是“实效德育”,以加强未成年人思想道德建设为主线,根据部分学校的区位特点和资源特色组织的这组稿件,当是一种尝试。要特别感谢的,是广大读者对本刊的关爱和支持。绵阳市涪城区教师进修学校的刘文军、唐智和邓剑三位作者,把他们的研究成果《涪城区未成年人思想道德现状的调查报告》首先寄给了我们,这是对本刊去年第五期首页“落实未成年人思想道德建设措施”的积极响应。正是这份颇有分量的调查报告,给了我们确定本期主题的底气。在主题确定的调研过程中,许多读者也给了我们宝贵的意见,使我们从文章内容到表现形式都能够更加贴近读者的需要。读者的支持永远是鼓舞我们前进的动力。我们期待着更广泛、更深入的编读互动。有志于研究如何加强未成年人思想道德建设的教师,请敲响键盘,叙述你心中积累的故事,阐发你的见解,我们将在7~8期集中刊发。来稿请以本期德育案例为参考,力求在选题和立意方面有特色,有创新,字数不超过2000字。请发送至本栏目邮箱,邮件主题:实效德育。截稿日期:2 Germany is the foundation of quality, people-oriented. Ideological and moral education for minors is the most basic and most eternal topic of education. Moral education should stress practical results, and many primary and secondary school teachers have already done many useful attempts to this. However, how to make readers of such articles have better results after compiling such manuscripts? The theme of this forum section is “Practical Moral Education” To strengthen the ideological and moral construction of minors as the main line, according to some of the school’s regional characteristics and resources of this group of manuscripts organized, when it is an attempt. To be particularly grateful, is the majority of readers love and support of this publication. The author of Liu Wenjun, Tang Zhi and Deng Jian in Fucheng District Teachers’ Training School of Mianyang City sent the first of their research results, “Investigation Report on Ideological and Ethical Status of Minors in Fucheng District”, to our fifth page last page Positive Responses to “Implementing Measures for Ideological and Moral Construction of Minors”. It is this rather weighty survey that has given us the impetus to determine the theme of this issue. Many of our readers have also given us valuable advice in the subject-oriented research process so that we can get closer to the reader’s needs from the content of the article to the presentation. Readers’ support is always the driving force behind our progress. We look forward to more extensive and in-depth compilation and interaction. Interested in studying how to strengthen the ideological and moral construction of minors teachers, please ring the keyboard, describe the story of your heart, elucidate your opinion, we will focus on 7 to 8 issues. Contributions Please refer to the current case of moral education as a reference, and strive to have the characteristics of selected topics and conception, innovative, no more than 2000 words. Please send to this section email, subject: Moral Education. Deadline: 2