Tectono-Geochemistry of Superimposed Mineralization in the Bainaimiao Ore Field, Inner Mongolia

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hfahcn
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Combining geomechanics with geochetnistry, this paper makes a rather systematic study on the stratigraphic division, tectonic evolution and ore genesis of the Bainaimiao ore field and, on such a basis, puts forward some new ideas. It has been emphatically pointed out that, in addition to the prominent E-W structural zone that controls the Cu-Mo deposits, there also exist N-S and NE structures which dominate Pb-Zn and Au mineralizations respectively. The formation of the copper deposit was attributed to the superimposition of three successive stages of mineralization related to volcano-sedimentation and metamorphic and magmatic hydrothermal activities respectively. Combining geomechanics with geochetnistry, this paper makes a rather systematic study on the stratigraphic division, tectonic evolution and ore genesis of the Bainaimiao ore field and, on such a basis, puts forward some new ideas. It has been emphatically pointed out that, in addition to the prominent EW structural zone that controls the Cu-Mo deposits, there exist NS and NE structures which dominate Pb-Zn and Au mineralizations respectively. The formation of the copper deposit was attributed to the superimposition of three successive stages of mineralization related to volcano-sedimentation and metamorphic and magmatic hydrothermal activities respectively.
由山东省妇联主办、《祝你幸福》杂志社承办的“让爱留守”儿童暑期夏令营项目,在刚刚落幕的第二届山东省青年志愿服务项目大赛路演决赛中荣获铜奖。  在决赛的路演答辩中,项目负责同志重点陈述了夏令营在安全教育方面的实践和特色,赢得好评。本大赛竞争激烈,入围决赛的200个志愿服务项目是从全省17地市1200个申报项目中层层筛选而来。  该夏令营项目于2016年7月启动,先后在济阳、宁阳、汶上、单县等农村留守
“我们该怎样看待这样一个国家:在那里,失业率始终不高,犯罪率很低,贫富差距现象不明显,全民享受医疗保险,人口预期寿命全球领先。这样一个国家,难道不是需要摆脱困境的诸国应该学习的对象吗?”   这是英国《卫报》最近的一个评论,这个国家就是日本,这样的说法我们在最近的西方媒体上还可以找到很多。   在很多经济学家眼里,“失去的十年”已经成了日本经济泡沫破灭的代名词,日本也几乎成为欧美国家眼中应对危
当下,由巴克莱资本公司创造的新词“李克强经济学” (Likonomics)正在成为经济领域和金融市场讨论的热词。它被用来代指新一届中国政府的经济政策,其核心内容包括:不出台刺激措施、去杠杆化和结构性改革,以短痛换取长期的益处。  不出台刺激措施在于市场效率偏低。以金融市场为例,一季度信贷投放猛烈,M2同比增速近16%。社会融资总量同比增长更为惊人,达到近60%,但是,我国的宏观经济却呈现出处处疲弱
A cycle model of an irreversible heat engine working with harmonic systems is established in this paper. Based on the equation of motion of an operator in the H