激发学习兴趣 提高讲课实效

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高考理科不考政治,使思想政治课教学受到严重的挑战。不少理科生平时对政治不屑一顾,临近会考,匆匆忙忙看上两眼,背上两句,考个及格便心满意足,用他们的话说:“及格万岁”。这种情况使思想政治课的实效难以落实。广大政治教师如何才能摆脱这种困境?我认为,激发学生学习思想政治课的兴趣,提高讲课实效,才是唯一的出路。 心理学家告诉我们,在学生学习动机中最现实、最活跃的成份是认识兴趣—求知欲。认识兴趣是力求认识世界、渴望获得文化科学知识和不断探求真理而带情感色彩的意向。如果学生对某事物或某事件感兴趣,就会注意并体味其中的哲理或含义,提高认识,受到教育。如何才能激发学生学习兴趣,提高思想政治课的教学效果呢? College entrance examination science does not take politics, ideological and political teaching to be subject to serious challenges. A lot of science students disdain for politics in the near future, approaching the examination, hurriedly took a look at both eyes, back two sentences, test a pass will be content with satisfaction, in their words: “Long live”. This kind of situation makes the actual effect of the ideological and political lesson difficult to implement. How can the majority of political teachers get out of this predicament? In my opinion, it is the only way to stimulate students' interest in learning politics lessons and improve the effectiveness of lectures. Psychologists tell us that the most realistic and active component of student learning motivation is knowing interest - curiosity. Recognition of interests is to seek understanding of the world, eager to obtain the knowledge of culture and science and constantly explore the truth with the emotional color of the intention. If a student is interested in something or an event, he or she will pay attention to and appreciate the philosophical or meanings, raise awareness and be educated. How to stimulate student interest in learning and improve the teaching effect of ideological and political lesson?
目的:探讨儿童先天性胆管囊肿的 CT 诊断。材料与方法:40例儿童先天性胆管囊肿中,平扫40例,增强25例,胆系造影CT(CTC)10例。全部病例均作 B 超。40例中,男16例,女24例,年龄3
Moodle,Modular Object-Oriented DynamicLearning Environment(模块化面向对象的动态学习环境)的缩写。由此我们可以认识到,Moodle是个“模块化”的东西;从在线课程培训的角
据《中华儿科杂志》1999年9月37卷第9期报道 为研究空肠弯曲菌(CJ)诱发实验性周围神经病的可能性和免疫学机理,重庆医科大 According to “Chinese Journal of Pediatrics,
我科1996年12月~1998年12月收入肺性脑病127例,其中36例合并低渗性脑病,20例均不同程度延误诊治,这20例中又有2例死于多脏器功能衰竭,报告如下。1 临床资料 20例病人男13例,
北宋儒家士大夫在儒学复兴运动中 ,从时代要求出发 ,结合社会现实和理论发展的需要 ,不仅张扬了儒家价值系统中“积极有为”的“道” ,而且把儒家学说义理化、人文化 ,重建了