
来源 :中国社会医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:BlueDragon8848
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本文对上海市五区二县社区人群进行饮食的行为与认知、健康状况的调查。结果表明,饮食行为合理组健康评分均高于不合理各组(P<0.001);饮食认知正确组健康评分均高于不正确各组(P<0.05);持不同饮食观点者,其饮食行为各有不同(P<0.001),观点与行为一致者的构成比较其它各组为高(P<0.05),并提出,通过开展自我保健宣教,改变其饮食行为,对于促进人群健康具有一定的积极作用。 This article investigates the behaviour, cognition, and health status of the community in Shanghai’s five districts and two counties. The results showed that the healthy scores in the reasonable diet group were higher than those in the unreasonable group (P<0.001); the scores in the correct diet group were higher than those in the incorrect group (P<0.05); diets with different dietary perspectives The behaviors were different (P<0.001). The composition of the viewpoints and behaviors was higher in the other groups (P<0.05), and it was proposed that changing self eating behavior through self-education education has a certain effect on promoting population health. positive effects.
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醒脑注射液 号是由黄芩甙、金银花提取物等1 0味中药组成 ,具有清热解毒、镇静安神之功 ,用于热邪内陷、神昏谵语、抽搐惊厥等症。本文采用加酸使黄芩甙沉淀 ,静置离心 ,乙