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中国乒乓球队自1952组建以来的50 多年时间里,有着辉煌的记录,创造了世界乒坛运动史上的奇迹。中国乒乓球队也是世界上其他乒乓球队伍争相学习的典范。在乒乓球运动竞技这个领域,中国队拥有大量的技术数据和重要的决策资源。目前,研究中国乒乓球队成功的秘诀已经成为世界上其他许多国家乒乓球队借以提高自身竞争实力的重要手段之一。研究方法: 文献资料法,归纳法,演绎法。研究结果: 本研究揭示了中国乒乓球运动在举国体制下的一些重要因素、乒乓精神以及中国乒乓球队的成功经验。中国乒乓球队成功因素有多方面,具体表现在以下15个方面:党政领导的关心与老百姓的支持;训练领导小组高超的思辨能力;举国模式的优势;对项目制胜规律认识与把握;乒乓球运动梯队的建设;稳定而出众的领导阶层;训练系统的保障;注重后备队员的训练;大赛前的封闭训练;细致周密的训练计划;大赛后细致的总结工作;乒乓球队优良的传统;运动员管理实行双轨制;注重科学研究;注重创新。 Chinese table tennis team since its establishment in 1952 more than 50 years, has a brilliant record, creating a miracle in the history of the world table tennis sports. The Chinese table tennis team is also a model for other table tennis teams competing in the world. In the field of table tennis sports, the Chinese team has a lot of technical data and important decision-making resources. At present, the secret of studying the success of the Chinese table tennis team has become one of the most important means by which the table tennis team in many other countries in the world can improve their competitive strength. Research methods: literature, induction, deduction. Findings: This study reveals some important factors of Chinese table tennis in nationwide system, the spirit of table tennis and the successful experience of Chinese table tennis team. The success of the Chinese table tennis team has many aspects, which are manifested in the following 15 aspects: the concern of the Party and government leaders and the support of the common people; the superb ability of the training leading group in thinking; the superiority of the national model; the understanding and control of the winning rules of the project; Ball echelon formation; Stable and outstanding leadership; training system protection; focus on the training of reserve team; closed training before the contest; meticulous training program; meticulous after the contest summary work; table tennis team excellent tradition; Athlete management implementation of dual-track system; focus on scientific research; focus on innovation.
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