Comparison of laser performance of electro-optic Q-switched Nd:YAG ceramic/single crystal laser

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tops881017
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An electro-optic Q-switched Nd:YAG ceramic laser operating at kHz repetition rate was demonstrated. Thermal induced lens’ focus of ceramic rod was measured and compensated by plano-convex cavity structure. Depolarization loss at different output powers was measured in Nd:YAG single crystal and ceramic lasers. High-energy high-beam-quality laser pulse output was obtained in both laser structures. Pulse energy of about 20 mJ and pulse width of less than 12 ns were achieved, and the average power reached 20 W. The divergence of output laser beam was less than 1.2 mrad, and the beam propagation factor M2 was about 1.4. An electro-optic Q-switched Nd: YAG ceramic laser operating at kHz repetition rate was demonstrated. Thermal induced lens’ focus on ceramic rod was measured and compensated by plano-convex cavity structure. Depolarization loss at different output powers was measured in Nd: YAG single crystal and ceramic lasers. High-energy high-beam-quality laser pulse output was obtained in both laser structures. Pulse energy of about 20 mJ and pulse width of less than 12 ns were achieved, and the average power reached 20 W. FIG. The divergence of the output laser beam was less than 1.2 mrad, and the beam propagation factor M2 was about 1.4.
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