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蓝色经济广义上其实就是循环经济,它与未来环保产业的发展趋势关联度极高。以水技术变革为中心,调整经济运行模式并提升社会普遍接纳程度乃未来水技术向蓝色经济转型发展的主要内容。蓝色经济下的水技术变革既不是对现有工艺的否定,也不提倡盲目求新,而是“强迫”人类不断向大自然取经,让人类自身发展再次与自然、生态融为一体。对此,需要重新审视原生态文明下的朴素“技巧”与现代文明中的高技术。顺应自然、敬畏生态是发展蓝色经济的全部内涵。为此,应以遵循自然水文循环为前提,在水量上忌“巧取豪夺”、水质上要“完璧归赵”。蓝色经济的实现其技术并非关键,关键是人们的意识和观念,特别是“官智”的作用。只要“官智”打开,便可制定出符合生态原则的政策/法规和经济奖惩措施,才能调动水行业乃至整个社会对发展蓝色经济的积极性和接纳程度。 In a broad sense, the blue economy is actually a circular economy. It has a high correlation with the development trend of the environmental protection industry in the future. Taking water technology change as the center, adjusting the economic operation mode and enhancing the general acceptance of society are the main contents of the future transition of water technology to the blue economy. Under the blue economy, the water technology revolution is neither a denial of the existing technology nor a blind pursuit of innovation, but rather that “human beings continue to learn from nature and make human beings develop themselves once again in harmony with nature and ecology . In this regard, we need to re-examine the simple ”skills“ under the original ecological civilization and the high-tech in modern civilization. Conforming to nature, the fear of ecology is the full meaning of developing a blue economy. To this end, we should follow the natural hydrological cycle as a precondition to avoid ”excessive use of water“ on the quality of water to ”complete“. The blue economy to achieve its technology is not the key, the key is people’s awareness and ideas, especially the ”official wisdom“ role. As long as the ”official wisdom" is opened, policies, regulations and economic rewards and punishments in line with the ecological principles can be worked out in order to arouse the enthusiasm and acceptance of the water industry and the society as a whole to the development of a blue economy.
摘要:应急预案是应对突发事件的工作计划,是重要的安全保障措施。本文针对高校图书馆推行的“藏、借、阅、咨”一体化服务模式,在详细分析突发安全事件的性质、特征、危害基础上,对应急预案的制定原则、方法、内容及保障措施进行探讨,形成了开放服务模式下高校图书馆突发安全事件应急预案框架结构,对高校图书馆制定突发安全事件应急预案,保障图书馆安全具有较强的指导意义。  关键词:开放服务模式 ;高校图书馆 ;突发事
不久前,环保部发布了四项新的土壤检测新标准,主要涉及的仪器包括微波消解仪、分光光度计、气相色谱–质谱联用仪等。其中,HJ 832–2017《土壤和沉积物金属元素总量的消解微
目的了解巯甲丙脯酸治疗高原藏族充血性心力衰竭(CHF)疗效。方法 20例藏族充血性心力衰竭病人巯甲丙脯酸25 mg,每日2次,第2天开始无不良反应者改为巯甲丙脯酸25 mg,每日3次,