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  The purpose of this article is to compare and contrast the role of the homeroom in American and Japanese senior high schools.It is based primarily on my many years of teaching in the senior high schools of both nations.It is my contention that the differences between the two are so significant and so striking that they dwarf whatever similarities that do exist.The primary difference is that in Japan,homeroom is taken almost literally as a “home base” or even a kind of “home away from home” in a way that is simply not the case for most American students.In American high schools,the role of a “home base” is filled by the presence of student lockers and the area immediately adjacent to these lockers.Otherwise,the main role of homeroom is mostly to have a convenient and acceptable place to check student attendance and for students to listen to announcements over the school’s intercommunications system.It is thus primarily an administrative convenience rather than a major educational or social institution.
  In the following article I shall examine what is referred to as the homeroom in both American and Japanese senior high schools.My main purpose is to highlight the often striking differences in both the concept and everyday reality of the homeroom and how these differences play themselves out in the secondary school systems of each nation.Before beginning this task a quick word of explanation about the form of this essay is in order.Previously I have written several articles that relied upon extensive use of secondary as well as primary sources.But in this essay I have resisted this impulse in order to rely mostly on my own primary research,namely,my own experiences in both American and Japanese high schools,first as a high school student and later as a full-time teacher.Any researcher interested in the core literature on this topic should consult the various sources listed in the References section included at the end of this essay.
  An American homeroom teacher’s primary responsibility is to ensure two things: one,that students arrive at school on time in the morning,and two,that the number of student absences is kept to a minimum.These are the teacher’s two most explicit formal tasks.In addition to this,the teacher should also ensure that students come to school properly dressed,that they are in good health,and that they are generally prepared for that day’s classes.However,other than these formal duties,homeroom teachers are fairly limited in their formal roles and responsibilities.Generally speaking,modern public and private American high schools hire an array of specialists who are ready to take on the specialized needs and troubles of students.For example,if a homeroom teacher notices that a student is upset or crying excessively,he or she may try to comfort or advise that student.However,if the problem persists,that same homeroom teacher will simply refer that student to the school psychologist.At I.H.high school,a professional psychologist was employed to deal with such matters.This psychologist held a doctorate in adolescent psychology and was very experienced in advising and counseling troubled teenage students.   The same situation existed in terms of older students who were trying to decide which colleges to apply to.The homeroom teacher might try to give some informal advice based on his or her own collegiate experiences,but the teacher would ultimately refer such a student to the school’s full-time guidance counselor for detailed help and information.This counselor had an office to himself and could give students plenty of information about colleges and universities,including information that the student’s homeroom teacher simply would not have knowledge of or easy access to.And if a student is having serious problems in terms of discipline,absences,or lateness,the chances are that the homeroom teacher would simply refer the student to the administrator responsible for dealing with student behavior.At I.H.,this person would be either the dean of students or the vice-principal.
  I hope that my discussion of the role of homerooms and homeroom teachers in American and Japanese senior high schools will prove helpful.It is intended for professional researchers,teachers abroad who are interested in teaching in Japan,as well as people with a general interest in the topic of comparative education.
  [1]Baris-Sanders, Marcia.“Cooperative Education: Lessons from Japan.” Phi Delta Kappan 78.8 (April 1997).
  [2]Eracey, Gerald W.“Asian and American Schools Again.” Phi Delta Kappan 77.9 (May 1996).
  [3]Cummings, William K.Rev.of Japan’s‘International Youth’:The Emergence of a New Class of School Children, by Roger Goodman.American Journal of Sociology 97.6 (May 1992).
【摘要】美国职业教育与中国存在明显的不同,相比较国内的职业教育模式而言,具有一定的先进性。我国立志在2020年形成现代化的职业教育体系,需要借鉴发达国家的先进内容,使其能够促进我国职业教育体系的优化。本文基于美国职业教育体系的研究,阐述了美国职业教育体系的启示,旨在优化我国职业教育体系,为相关部门提供经验借鉴。  【关键词】职业教育体系;体系化;启示  【作者简介】郝丽洁(1988-),女,汉族,
【摘要】随着国际之间科学技术的交流日益频繁,科技翻译受到了愈来愈多的重视。而科技翻译的艺术性与科学性在翻译界中一直备受争论,大多数学者都承认科技翻译的科学性原则,但却忽视了科技翻译的艺术性。本文以纽马克的交际翻译理论为框架,选取知名化妆品品牌——欧莱雅的化妆品说明书翻译为语料,通过研究语料,具体分析科学性及艺术性的表现形式,指出科技翻译具有科学性及艺术性统一的特点。  【关键词】科技翻译 科学性
责任编辑/柚 子    “紫荆杯”第一届中国电子竞技风云榜 行业篇    2006年,中国电子竞技逐渐展现出成为世界电子竞技的中心的潜质。2006年,中国可以说是世界上举办电子竞技赛事最多的国家之一。回顾过去的2006年,我们看到了中国电子竞技的成长,也看到了老将新锐们同台竞技时闪耀的光芒,品评过去一年间中国电子竞技的风云人物,这就是第一届“紫荆杯”风云榜行业板块产生的由来。  年度最佳电子竞技俱
【关键词】高中生;挫折;心理防御机制;积极转化  【中图分类号】G444 【文献标志码】B 【文章编号】1005-6009(2017)48-0061-03  【作者简介】翟晶,湖北省天门中学(湖北天门,431700)心理健康教师。  设计理念:  高一新生需要逐渐适应新的学习、生活、人际关系等,然而不少学生因为学习成绩下降、人际关系不良、自卑等原因不能适应高中生活,出现逃避、自暴自弃、焦虑等问题。
【摘要】在小学阶段,我们也需要教给孩子一些语法知识,但我们要注意把握这个教学的尺度,语法教学是为了促进并提高学生积极参与交流的能力,并不是培养他们用语法分析语言的能力,所以要注意精讲多练,点到为止,注重运用,让学生在练中有悟,在练习中获得听、说、读、写等的语言运用能力,并建立起英语的语言思维和语言习惯。  【关键词】语法教学;语言环境;活动教学;歌曲童谣;对比分析  【作者简介】李莉,江西省赣州市
综合  为了延续我们在上个补丁所做的工作,我们已经做了一些大扫除以及BUG修复。  游戏房主现在会在大厅组队面板上标记为“房主”  玩家在匹配队列中时,将不再能够接受邀请了  修复了一个错误,该错误曾导致拥有一个已搁置的邀请的玩家(队伍已进入英雄选择阶段),在重新登录后,会体验到各种各样的错误,并阻止他们进入任何游戏  修复了一个错误,该错误曾导致邀请系统在判断自定义房间是否满人时,会将观众也计算
【摘要】顾名思义,课程统整它是一种把教学资源和内容有效结合的一种现代化的教学方式。而众所周知,信息技术在社会发展中起到的作用非常重要,它关乎着每个学生,如果能够基于课程统整模式,将信息技术应用在小学英语教学中,可以有效的激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生学习的积极性,让学生的思路能更好的拓展开来,更好的完成自己的学习目标。  【关键词】课程统整;小学;英语教学  【作者简介】付雪红,苏州工业园区星湾学校
【摘要】乔伊斯的小说《一个青年艺术家的画像》主要讲述了忧郁多思的主人公斯蒂芬从儿童到青年的成长历程,是现代成长小说的代表作之一。斯蒂芬逐渐从一个敏感不合群的小男孩,成长为一个有自己独特见解的青年艺术家,在这期间,他对自己在宗教方面,艺术方面的身份逐渐有了比较清醒的认识,也经历了伴随成长的欢笑与眼泪,最终,他的性格慢慢成熟,对自己的未来做出了选择,即放弃神职,立志成为一名优秀的艺术家。  【关键词】
【摘要】高中阶段教学过程中要注重对学生思维与能力的提升,以此为将来的学习打下坚实的基础,从而保证学生能够有稳固的学习功底。根据调查高中阶段的英语教育存在较多的问题,不利于学生核心素养的培养。本文从微课角度出发,主要阐述微课的概念与其重要性,分析微课视野下学生核心素养培养方法,提出对微课教育背景下培养学生核心素养的路径的几条建议,希望有助于我们高中阶段的英语教学。  【关键词】微课教育;高中英语;核