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  ( )1. The children _______ to swim last month and they can swim very well now. (河北省课改实验区)
  A. are taught B. were taught
  C. have taught D. taught
  ( )2. There is a Chinese saying “Good medicine _______ bad, but its good for your health.” (沈阳市)
  A. smells B. tastes
  C. looks D. feels
  ( )3. —Would you like something to drink?
  —________, please. (海南省)
  A. Bread B. Fruit
  C. Meat D. Tea
  ( )4. —There is nobody here. Let’s play football.
  —No, we can’t. My father often tells me _______ in the street. It’s dangerous. (长沙市)
  A. to play B. don’t play
  C. not to play
  ( )5. —_______ your friend play the guitar?
  —Yes, he can. But he can’t play it well. (南宁市)
  A. Must B. Can
  C. Should D. Need
  ( )6. ______ friends you have, ______ you will be. (甘肃省酒泉市)
  A. More; happier
  B. The more; the happier
  C. More; more happy
  D. The more; the more happy
  ( )7. We can’t leave our grandparents by ______. (乌鲁木齐市)
  A. they B. them
  C. themselves D. their
  ( )8. Look, ______ some sheep on the hill. (湖南省湘西自治州)
  A. there have B. there has
  C. there is D. there are
  ( )9. There will _______ robots in people’s homes. (四川省南充市实验区)
  A. be B. are
  C. have
  ( )10. This dress still looks pretty on you, ______ it is out of style. (宁夏回族自治区课改实验区)
  A. though B. but
  C. since D. if
  ( )11. It’s very difficult to see ______ this window because the glass is very dirty. (山东省南威海市)
  A. through B. at
  C. along D. out
  ( )12. She always keeps her room neat and _______. (南宁市实验区)
  A. clear B. bright
  C. tidy D. dirty
  ( )13. —I’m going to Hainan for a holiday.
  —_______. (福建省莆田市课改实验区)
  A. Have a good time
  B. Never mind
  C. You are right
  D. Thanks
  ( )14. —Where is ______ key to the door, Jim?
  —It’s in my poket. (青海省)
  A. a B. the C. /
  ( )15. —Where is Mum, Dad?
  —She has gone to buy some ______. She’ll make vegetable salad for us tonight. (太原市)
  A. meat B. tomatoes
  C. juice
  ( )16. —This box is ______ heavy for me to carry. Can you help me?
  —Certainly. (武汉市课改)
  A. so B. much
  C. very D. too
  ( )17. —Kate, could you ______ the radio a bit?
  —Your father is sleeping now. (安徽省课改实验区)
  A. turn down B. turn off
  C. turn up D. turn on   ( )18. —Whose dictionaries are these?
  —They are the _______. (广西梧州市课改实验区)
  A. twins’ B. twin
  C. twins D. twin’
  ( )19. You’ll fail your next exam ______ you start to work hard at your studies now. (南宁市)
  A. because B. unless
  C. so D. why
  ( )20. —When did your father come back last night?
  —He didn’t come back ______ he finished all the work. (长沙市)
  A. until B. while
  C. if
  ( )21. —Shall we see the movie today or tomorrow?
  —______. It’s all the same to me. (云南省课改实验区)
  A. I hope so B. I’m sure
  C. It’s up to you
  ( )22. —Miss Liu, we’ll have a class meeting. Could you give ______ some advice?
  —OK. (山西省临汾市)
  A. her B. us
  C. you D. our
  ( )23. Maria ______ shy, but now she is quite outgoing. She has made lots of friends. (宁夏回族自治区课改实验区)
  A. was used to be
  B. is used to
  C. was used to being
  D. used to be
  ( )24. Although they are brothers, they are the ______ opposite of one another. (北京市)
  A. very B. just
  C. few D. little
  ( )25. You are so busy, what do you want me ______ for you? (重庆市课改实验区)
  A. do B. done
  C. to do D. doing
  ( )26. —What did the doctor say?
  —He ______ me not to eat too much candy. (湖北省黄冈市)
  A. suggested B. warned
  C. allowed D. stopped
  ( )27. —I called you this morning, but nobody answered.
  —I ______ the flowers in my garden at that time. (广东省课改区)
  A. watered B. was watering
  C. water
  ( )28. ______ is the population of Shangdong Province? (山东省课改)
  A. How many B. Which
  C. How much D. What
  ( )29. Yao ming is a famous basketball star ______ is playing in NBA. (吉林省)
  A. whose B. who
  C. what D. which
  ( )30. He is one of the experienced engineers in the factory ______ hard work was repaid with the development of the factory. (兰州市)
  A. where B. whose
  C. in which D. that
摘 要 经济发展带动了我国科学技术的不断革新,自动化技术在各行各业都得到了广泛应用,尤其是煤矿行业,利用自动化、智能化的技术完成生产作业,能够有效减少人力资源投入,为煤矿企业节省成本的同时,也提升了生产效率,能够用最小的投入创造更多经济和社会效益。但自动化技术在我国依然处于起步阶段,还需要强化对该技术的进一步研究。  关键词 煤矿机电 自动化控制技术 技术应用  中图分类号:F407.67 文献标
支部简介  民进福建厦门湖里总支成立于2006年6月,现有会员94人,下设经济支部、科技支部、综合支部、信息学校支部。总支曾被评为民进全国先进基层组织,3次获评民进福建省委会先进基层组织,2014年总支副主任邱晓龙被民进中央评为民进全国组织建设先进个人。  厦门是一座花园式的城市,鸟语花香是厦门的特色。2012年民进福建厦门湖里总支会员、厦门市环保科研所高级工程师陈志鸿在多次的观鸟活动中发现消失1
Birth place: Santa Monica, California, U.S.  Birth date: April 23, 1928,  Occupation: Actress (1932~1965),  Public servant (1967~1992)  Nickname: America’s little darling  Notable works: Bright Eyes,
摘 要 目前的DAM中波广播发射机具有良好的性能,操作简单的特性令其足以满足大部分广播行业的硬性需求。在全固态中波发射机小型化、集成化发展的环境下,对广播设备的保养维护与操作的要求也在逐渐提高,为实现“经济安全,连续高效”的运行目的,需要技术人员具备一定的知识水平和技术能力,能够对发射机的常见故障进行分析处理,能正确规范的操作和维护发射机,并且尽可能减少或预防故障的发生。  关键词 中波广播 发射
编者注: 每个人都有自己存在的价值,关键是我们能不能找准自己的位置,你的位置在哪里呢?  In the middle of his dream, an artist awoke. He reached for his pencil and started to draw. He started with a single dot. It took the artist hours to finis
短语动词  I. 单项选择。  ( )1. Lily is upset these days. Do you know how to________her________?  A. cheer; up B. cheer; on  C. pick; up D. put; away  ( )2. Please________these test papers to each
There are different versions as to the origin of April Fool’s Day. The most widespread theory links the day to Gregorian calendar reform while others involve mythological legends or anthropological ex
摘 要 文章主要是分析了如何有效提升小学数学教学互动的有效性,然后从教学情境的巧妙设定以及建立新型师生互动关系等方面讲解了提升到对数学教学互动的有效性,教学互动是小学教学课堂教学中重要的内容,其对提升小学数学课堂教学的有效性具有了十分意义的意义。  关键词 小学教学 数学 教学互动  一、引言  新课标对小学教学课堂的教学提出了更高的要求,其要求教师帮助学生将内在的潜能激发出来,实现到有效的教学互
本期点评名师:阳翠 女,华中师范大学英语专业本科毕业,湖南省隆回县荷田中心学校历届初三英语把关教师,多年奋斗在教育第一线,辅导学生参加各类英语竞赛获奖多次,多次被评为县、乡优秀教师、优秀班主任。撰写的论文在多种刊物上发表。并参与了国家级课题研究。    1. 优点:  这封信写出了作者对老师的想念情怀,主要述说了自己在假期中的情况,条理清楚,对于已学过的一些短语使用准确。例如:more than,
1970年5月,中国民主促进会的创始人马叙伦先生与世长辞。1985年4月27日,中共中央隆重召开马叙伦先生诞辰一百周年纪念座谈会,习仲勋同志代表党中央讲话,对马叙伦先生的一生作了极高的政治评价,称他是著名的教育家、坚强的民主战士、忠诚的爱国主义者,是中国人民忠诚的公仆,是同中国共产党荣辱与共、肝胆相照的知心朋友。  与中国共产党的情缘  马叙伦一生追求民主、自由,始终是中国共产党的知心朋友。早年,