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2006年6月24日佛山市第一人民医院肿瘤医院举行了抗癌俱乐部八周年庆典。100多位抗癌俱乐部会员及肿瘤医院医务人员参加了这次庆典。邓燕明院长出席了庆典并代表院领导作了激励人心的讲话。抗癌俱乐部主任陈惠芳对抗癌俱乐部成立8年来的工作做了总结。活动还组织五年以上癌龄的会员共庆“生日”,切生日蛋糕,唱生日歌,然后由多名会员介绍自己的抗癌经历。会员们交流自己的抗癌经历是庆典中最为动人的环节。大家纷纷登台讲述自己的抗癌经历和体会,表达了对家人、医院及朋友们对他们的关爱的感激之情,同时表达了要坚强抗击病魔的决心和信心。被评为新一届“抗癌明星”的19岁的余小姐是抗癌俱乐部历届明星中年龄最小的一个。她16岁时被检查出患有肺癌,在佛山市第一人民医院胸外科接受了手术,之后转入肿瘤医院进行化疗。由于她及时接受了手术和规范的化疗,而且乐观向上,积极配合治疗,病情很快得到有效控制,康复出院。余小姐说,“在俱乐部,我得到了病友们亲人般的帮助与鼓励,这里就是我们另一个家!”她的话赢得了全场热烈的掌声。俱乐部自1998年5月成立以来,不断壮大,目前已有会员近600人,评选出抗癌明星80人。会员们在俱乐部医务人员的精心 On June 24, 2006, Cancer Hospital of Foshan First People’s Hospital held the eighth anniversary celebration of the anticancer club. More than 100 anti-cancer club members and cancer hospital medical staff attended the celebration. Dean Deng Yanming attended the celebration and made speeches on behalf of the leaders of the hospital. Chen Huifang, director of the Anti-Cancer Club, summed up the work of the Anti-Cancer Club for the past eight years. The event also organized members of more than five years of cancer age celebrate “birthday”, cut the birthday cake, birthday song, and then introduced by members of their anti-cancer experience. Members exchange their anti-cancer experience is the most touching part of the celebration. Everyone went onstage to tell their own experiences and experiences in cancer prevention and expressed their gratitude to their families, hospitals and friends for their love and care. At the same time, they expressed their determination and confidence to fight the illness hard. The 19-year-old Miss Yu, who was named the new anti-cancer star, is the youngest of the previous celebrities in the anti-cancer club. She was diagnosed with lung cancer at the age of 16 and underwent surgery in the Department of Thoracic Surgery, First People’s Hospital of Foshan City, and then transferred to a cancer hospital for chemotherapy. As she received timely surgery and standard chemotherapy, and optimistic, actively cooperate with the treatment, the disease was effectively controlled, discharged from hospital. Miss Yu said, “In the club, I got the help and encouragement of my relatives, and here is our other home!” Her speech won the warm applause of the audience. Since the establishment of the club in May 1998, the club has grown continuously. At present, there are nearly 600 members and 80 cancer-fighting stars have been selected. Members are meticulous at the club medical staff
摘 要:语法教学是英语课堂教学的重要组成都分,可长期以来,语法教学在小学却一直面临被排斥而又排斥不了的状况。新课改背景下,语法教学重新返回小学英语课堂,这需要教师去辩证审视,需要教师具备丰富的理论知识并在课堂教学中去实践,需要教师在语法教学实践中坚持启蒙性、实践性、意义先行和恰当的“度”和“隐”。只有这样,教师才能适应新课改,打造成功的课堂语法教学,提高英语学习效率,帮助学生进一步感知、理解和学习
目的:探讨行为分阶段转变理论对血液透析患者液体摄入依从性产生的影响。方法:选择 2018 年 1 月至 2019 年 1 月在本院治疗的 100 例血液透析患者当做研究对象,并采取数字抽签