The Significance of Cross—Cultural Communication

来源 :校园英语·月末 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wsf3344
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  1. Introduction
  Language is key to understanding another culture, and culture affects language learning significantly. This paper has been divided into five parts to explain the significance of cross-cultural communication. It starts by explaining culture and its correlations with language, and then followed by accounting for the significance of cross-cultural communication. The paper ends by restating the significance of the field of cross-cultural communication.
  2. Culture and the Relationship between Culture and Language Culture
  The origin of the idea of ‘culture’ can be traced back to the late eighteenth century. It began to influence the structure and quality of social life was witnessed at the beginning of nineteenth century. Although culture is widely viewed as “the way we do things around here”, and to some extent it also reflects “how we think ourselves and how we are seen by others”, there is a variety of definitions in terms of culture. Bodley (2005) claims that from the perspective of anthropology, culture refers to the certain forms of thinking and behaviour of individuals possess in a particular society. It differentiates one group people from others belonging to a different grouping, and also distinguishes human beings from animals.
  3. Relationship between Culture and Language
  In the study of cross-cultural communication, the relationship between culture and language plays a vital role in it. Both of them interact with each other. This perspective was witnessed appear as early as the beginning of the twentieth century, Frans Boas contends that language to some extent determines whether one can understand another culture. If the person is not equipped with the language of the certain social group or the country, it would be difficult to have access to its culture. It is consistent with what claimed by Edward Hall, the widely acknowledged founder of the field of intercultural communication, who maintains that ‘culture is communication and communication is culture’, and communication also comprised the core of culture.
  4. The significance of Cross-cultural Communication
  Nowadays, cross-cultural communication has been aware increasingly and can not be neglected in many cases. Due to the development of science and technology, the world has been turned into a smaller place than ever before. Mcluhan describes the world now is a ‘global village’ because of globalization. Everyone in this world is linked with others to some extent in terms of the process of communication in a global and international system. It is inevitable that different cultures will meet conflicts and mix with each other. Individuals from one cultural grouping may find it difficult to interact with those who from a differing group. For instance, people in collectivistic cultures tend to employ indirect expression to alleviate the impacts of the speakers’ needs and wants; they pay attention to interpersonal harmony and collaboration. There is a striking contrast with people from individualistic culture, they tend to use a direct expression and all of their wants and desires can be embodied in the spoken messages (Zhu, 2011). From this point, it is clear that cultural values impact the style of individuals’ communication significantly. Therefore, the acquisition of knowledge in terms of cross-cultural communication would benefit people to communicate unimpededly.   5. Cross-cultural Communication in Education
  There is no doubt that education not only is quite significant for the development of students, but also has a determining impact on the advance of the society. Nowadays, a growing number of universities and institutions appear to run courses in terms of cross-cultural communication under the influence of globalisation. Take Newcastle University as an example, in School of Education, Communication
【摘要】小学生的心理发育特点决定了小学英语教学需要趣味化引导,小学教师的任务就是要改革传统教学理念,创新教学模式,充分地利用多种现代化教学手段,启动多种教学工具来打造一个生动的课堂,以此调度学生课堂学习积极性,打造出高效课堂。本文分析了声色音影趣味引导下的小学英语高效课堂的构建。  【关键词】小学英语;声色音影;趣味化;高效教学  【作者简介】李有护,江门市新会区双水镇东凌小学。  高效课堂成为目
【摘要】《月亮与六便士》作为威廉·萨默赛特·毛姆的重要代表作品,出版多年一直受到了人们很大的关注。以往对《月亮与六便士》的分析大多从弗洛伊德精神分析、女性主义视角、互文性、象征性角度来解读此书。这里从生态批评角度来解读《月亮与六便士》中的人物形象,以便我们可以进一步去感受人与自然的微妙关系。  【关键词】威廉·萨默赛特·毛姆;《月亮与六便士》;生态批评;人物形象  【作者简介】牛越(1995-),
【摘要】新形势下,信息时代不断进步,对教育工作开展具有重要影响,本文从网络环境入手,对初中学生的英语学习展开研究,针对英语自主学习提出相应的培养建议,希望对初中英语教学工作开展有所启发。  【关键词】网络环境;初中学生;英语;自主学习能力;培养思路;构建  【作者简介】蒋志强,江西省上饶市广丰区南屏中学。  现代科学技术的不断发展,多媒体技术和网络技术已经逐渐成为现代教育技术的重要教学工具,网络技
【摘要】在高校发展中,信息工作非常重要,对高校决策和管理都会产生直接的影响。信息工作是领导了解实际发展情况,发现问题的重要方式,也是领导作出决策的重要依据。因此,办公室需要全方位的收集信息,提高信息的利用效率,才能发挥信息的作用和价值,对信息进行深刻的剖析,作出符合实际发展需要的决策。从中可以看出,做好信息工作,加强开发力度,可以为教学和科研工作的发展作出重要的贡献,为教学改革提供帮助。  【关键
【摘要】阅读是学生学习语言的重要输入途径,而写作是语言输出的一种方式。在初中英语读写课教学中应立足语篇,紧扣话题内容,将阅读和写作有机结合,让学生通过使用学到的语言知识和技巧落实话题写作,可以有效提高他们的写作能力。  【关键词】初中英语;阅读 写作;读写结合  【作者简介】叶琼虹,泉州市泉港区民族中学。  一、初中英语阅读与写作教学的关系  阅读教学与写作教学都是初中英语课程教学的主要内容,阅读
【摘要】小组合作学习是一种教育教学的方式,它个培养学生的自主学习方面发挥了重要作用,促进了学生的全面发展。  【关键词】创新教学;合作学习;自主意识;实效性  【作者简介】郭安林,甘肃省定西地区岷县岷阳初级中学。  当今社会,合作精神,合作意识,合作方式越来越受到人们的重视。在学校的教育教学中,小组合作学习的话题,更是一种具有时代精神的崭新的教学思想。基于新课程所倡导的自主,探究与合作的学习方式和
【摘要】本文立足于积极心理学的理论基础和教学实践,针对我校学生的英语水平和学习需求现状,提出如何面对全体学生,为每个学生学习英语奠定基础,关注个体差异,滚动分层设计作业的策略。笔者依据学生的个体差异,滚动分层设计课堂操练及作业,既满足了不同层次孩子的需求,也能最大程度地保护他们的自尊。  【关键词】小学英语分层操练;分层作业  【作者简介】汪蓉(1974.02-),女,汉族,广外附属小学,本科,中