
来源 :水电能源科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whywxh
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针对乌弄龙水电站戽式消力池体型不合理而导致戽池内流态不良、池底脉动压强过大、下游涌浪较高等问题,对戽式消力池体型试验原方案进行了多种方案的修改优化、比选,提出将反弧以嵌槽的形式与戽池底板相接、采用连续墩式戽池尾坎、在戽池出口右边墙加贴角的体型优化措施,有效解决了原方案存在的问题。 In view of the unreasonable body size of the U-shaped Hydropower Station in Ulun Long Hydropower Station, there are many problems such as the ill-flow condition in the U-pond, the excessive pressure fluctuation at the bottom of the pond and the high surge at the downstream. The optimization, comparison and selection, put forward the anti-arc in the form of embedded tank and the pond floor connected to the use of continuous piers pool ridge tail ridge, the right wall in the exit of Mianchi plus angle paste body shape optimization measures to effectively solve the original program Problems.
The transformation of the internal strain and its effect on the microstructure of polyacrylonitrile-based carbon fiber during the high-temperature graphitizatio
A unified semi-analytical solution is presented for elastic-plastic stress of a deep circular hydraulic tunnel with support yielding under plane strain conditio
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With the support by the National Natural Science Foundation of China,Prof.Fei Zhou and his team from the Fourth Military Medical University published their rese
“探究冰的熔化特点”是苏科版八年级物理继水的沸腾后又一个重要的探究物理规律的实验,可以很好地培养学生探究能力,特别是利用函数图像分析实验数据得出规律的能力.课本中的实验方法是:如图1所示,把碎冰块放入试管中,冰块中插入温度计,记下此时温度计示数,每隔0.5 min记录一次温度计示数,同时注意观察冰的状态变化,直到冰块全部熔化后2 min为止.这种方法有三个缺陷.  (1)时间太长.  把该装置放在