An Analysis of The Building

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  【Abstract】This paper consists of two sections. The first section is about the description and interpretation of this poem. In the second section I attempt to analyze and evaluate the subject of this poem. In my opinion, death is the main theme of this poem.
  【Key words】Philip Larkin; hospital; death
  1. Description and interpretation of the poem
  The Building is a famous poem written by Philip Larkin. It has nine seven-line stanzas plus a single final line. It is written in typical Larkin’s style, with plain language and rough iambic pentameter. Again it starts with something common in daily life, and then moves on to something very serious. Although Larkin doesn’t definitively mention the purpose of this building, through his description we can find this is a hospital.
  In the first stanza, Larkin compares the building with what is around it and says the building is higher than the handsomest hotel. This modern building rises out of the suburban environment in sharp contrast. Around the building is the “close-ribbed streets”. The poet uses simile here and says that the “rise and fall” of streets are “like a great sigh”, which is very vivid.
  From the second to the fifth stanza the poet turns his eyes upon the people inside the building. Larkin is still unwilling to mention that this place he describes is the waiting room in the hospital. Instead, he says it is “like an airport lounge”, and “more like a local bus”. From what he describes we see some people who are doing different things. Obviously these people are patients, so they wait for “a kind of nurse to fetch someone away”.
  In stanza 6, the poet returns to the exterior of the building. He looks out from the inside and sees the yard, red brick, lagged pipes and other things. Form his description we find a world which is quite different from the one inside the building. It seems that the outside world is very far off.
  Further, in stanza 7, the world is even said to be “beyond the stretch/ Of any hand from here”. The poet includes himself in the condition of the people in the building: the “loves” and “chances” of the world are beyond the reach and only a “touching dream to which we are all lulled. ” Then everyone will “wake from” that dream “separately”. After awakening from that dream, now what they confront is terrible death in this building.
  Stanza 8 shifts back from the outside world to the people in the building. Some patients are beckoned by the nurse so they “gets up and goes/ At last”. Some are still waiting for the beckon and “will be out by lunch, or four”. Of course there will be more patients joining in the queue, as the poet says, “Others, not knowing it, have come to join/ The unseen congregations”. The sense of uncertainty remains because what they will face is still unknown to them.   So, in stanza 9, the poet continues to describe the people in the building. This time the sense of uncertainty gradually disappears because “All know they are going to die”. Perhaps they will not die immediately at this place, however, in the end they will die in “somewhere like this”. This is the fate all human kinds have to face one day.
  Now it is clear that this poem is a detailed description of a hospital, focusing on the patients in the waiting room. The poet starts with external features of this building, then describe the rows of patients sitting in waiting rooms, and finally reveals the real issue: “All know they are going to die. ” We visualize each patient as he or she disappears into an examination room, but what lies behind the door remains a mystery. All we know is that “nothing contravenes / The coming dark”.
  2. Evaluation of the poem
  The subject of death has always been a concern of the world’s literature. Some writers hold a positive view towards death. However, to some writers, death is mysterious and terrible. It is obvious that Philip Larkin shares the latter. In this poem a description of a hospital becomes a meditation on death, which is mysterious, terrifying and inevitable. Instead of a sign of hope and a positive intervention sustaining life, the hospital heralds death.
  Larkin is able to take a particular experience or circumstance and find a general truth in it. His tone is cool and his emotions are in check—there is no rage here against the death. Behind this individual poem lies his awareness that life is ultimately empty. In my opinion, his feeling results from fear, anxiety and disappointment to the modern society. His acceptance of impending death causes him to see the everyday pursuits of people, including himself, with irony and sadness. Just as he puts it, “All know they are going to die”. There is no difference between great and common people. No matter what someone did while alive, or what their status happened to be, everyone will eventually end up in the same place—the grave. Death is our common fate that has the power to render life meaningless. It seems that all our busy concerns is just a way of filling time until death takes us away to empty nothingness. This poem becomes a lament for the nature of the human struggle. After reading this poem, we may reflect on the nature of human mortality, the loss that death will bring and how it will destroy every unique person.
【摘要】英语词汇是英语学习的基础,有效的词汇教学及学习能够助力学生提高英语成绩。基于此,文章结合高中英语教学实际,阐述了高中英语词汇教学的重要性,以及现阶段高中英语词汇教学存在的问题,通过进一步分析,探讨在高中阶段如何采用有效的教学方法来提高英语词汇教学效率,即根据语境进行词汇教学;通过趣味记词法来进行词汇教学;灵活运用图片、多媒体等进行词汇教学;指导学生掌握记忆的方法,提高记忆的效果。  【关键
【摘要】英语语言点的教学在高中英语教学中起到至关重要的作用,本文指出目前高中英语语言教学在学生主体性和語言语用能力方面存在的问题,并提出了一些方法如设立导学案,设计有效导入,创设情境,适当利用多媒体来使语言点的学习更加有效。  【关键词】语言点教学;创设情境;教学方法  【作者简介】李希君(1987-),女,汉族,湖南华容人,高中英语教师,初级,硕士研究生,湖北省潜江市江汉油田广华中学,研究方向:
【摘要】我们现在所处的社会环境是不同,人和人之间对事物的看法也是不一样的,所以根据不同国家就会有不同国家的思维方式,也就是不同的视角,面对着巨大的差异性,势必也要进一步研究。由于现在国际之间交往频繁,跨文化交流也是当下最重要的,这时候就需要我们在不同的视角下来对外国文学进行鉴赏和翻译,根据国外的背景,提升自身外语翻译的汉语水平。  【关键词】跨文化;西方文学;文化差异  【作者简介】贺丹(1982
【摘要】本文从学习方法、学习习惯和学习重点三个方面探讨英语词汇学习,通过科学的记忆方法、培养良好的习惯和善于抓住词汇学习的重点,达到增加词汇记忆以及活学活用的目的,营造愉快的学习氛围,从而获得最佳的学习效果。  【关键词】英语学习;词汇;方法  【Abstract】This article explores English vocabulary learning from the followin
【摘要】《新课程标准》指出:“现代信息技术要改变学生的学习方式,使学生乐意并有更多的精力投入到现实的、探索性的教学活动中去。”多媒体在英语教学中的应用已成为一个热点问题。而新课导入是课堂教学的重要环节,对课堂教学成功与否至关重要。在英语教学中到底如何正确发挥多媒体的辅助教学功能,笔者就合理使用多媒体教学导入新课教学从四方面进行了探索。  【关键词】新课导入;合理使用;多媒体辅助教学  【作者简介】
【摘要】故事因其丰富的情感,生动的情节,符合学生的思维特征和学习语言的认知特点,故而成为儿童成长的“精神伴侣”。有效的故事教学能够激发学生阅读的兴趣,能给小学英语课堂注入新的活力。在英语故事教学中,教师应关注故事的发展,培养学生的思维品质;创设故事情境,培养学生学习能力;挖掘故事文本,培養学生的语言能力;延伸故事情节,培养学生文化品格。  【关键词】故事教学;核心素养;思维品质;文化品格  【作者
【摘要】一直以来艺术类的学生在英语方面处于劣势,是高校艺术类学生进一步深造学习的障碍,英文电影是集视觉、听觉为一体的教学素材,结合艺术生的实际需要,鉴于许多学生都很热衷于观看英语电影以此了解到了英语的相关知识。本文就从艺术生的特点出发,结合英文电影潜在的教学价值进行阐述,以调动和培养艺术生的外语学习兴趣为目标,探索分析英语电影在大学英语课堂中的应用。  【关键词】高校艺术生;英文电影;听说能力  
【摘要】“英语流利说”作为一款口语学习应用,深受学习者的青睐。本文在介绍该应用功能特点的基础上,对当前高职英语口语教学环节中存在的问题进行归因分析,以期探讨其在口语教学素材,课堂教学实施,以及课后评价监督等方面对于高职英语口语教学的辅助作用。  【关键词】“英语流利说”;高职口语教学;辅助  【作者简介】乔万俊(1991.12-),女,陕西西安人,陕西国防工业职业技术学院,助教,文学硕士,研究方向