
来源 :石油政工研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:TIGERKING2009
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为了进一步深化采油二厂企业文化建设,2002年7月30日至8月8日,利用10天时间,深入到全厂16个单位,通过采取个别访谈、召开座谈会、企业文化知识提问、问卷调查以及实地察看等方法(共个别走访29人,召开座谈会15场,接触各类员工305人,收回问卷调查表200份,察看实地16个)对全厂企业文化建设进行了调查,得到以下启示:一、企业文化建设成效显著(一)对企业文化进行了科学定位。采油二厂1971年5月20日建厂,从发展历程看,大致可分为试采阶段、正式开发阶段、大发展阶段、持续发展阶段。形成了优秀文化:一是准军事化管理方式下形成的铁的纪律文化;二是会战式管理及油田大兵团作战形成的团队精神;三是企业发展过程中形成的艰苦创业、无私奉献精神;四是各届班子倡导并成为员工自觉行为的积极进取、争创一流的作风;五是以罗玉娥、石美元、陈继发等一大批先进典型为代表,以人格化方式展开的爱岗敬业、 In order to further deepen the building of enterprise culture of No.2 Plant, from July 30, 2002 to August 8, 2002, it took 10 days to go deep into 16 units of the whole plant. Through individual interviews, forums, knowledge of enterprise culture, questionnaires Surveys and field visits (a total of 29 individual visits, 15 symposiums held, 305 contacts of various types, 200 questionnaires were withdrawn and 16 field surveys were conducted.) The investigation of the corporate culture of the whole factory was conducted and the following findings were obtained: Enlightenment: First, the remarkable achievements of corporate culture (a) of the corporate culture of a scientific orientation. Second Oil Production Plant May 20, 1971 to build factories, from the history of development, can be roughly divided into trial mining stage, the official development stage, a large stage of development, sustainable development stage. The formation of a good culture: First, the formation of paramilitary management under the iron discipline culture; second is the battle-style management and oil field operations formed a large army team spirit; third is the formation of the enterprise development process of arduous pioneering, selfless dedication; Fourthly, all the groups advocate and become the active enterprising and conscientious workers to strive for the first-class style. Fifthly, based on a large number of advanced models such as Luo Yue, Shi Mi Yuan and Chen Jifa,