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引言随着我国改革开放的深化,市场经济发展充满了活力。在此形势下,我国的工业设计教育也面临新的挑战和机遇,对于人才的培养和如何培养人才已成为当今教育领域的热门话题。因为在市场经济条件下,使用人才的环境发生了实质性的变化,对此,现代工业设计这个时代性很强的专业面临着适应挑战。工业设计教育中决定着人才培养规格的课程设置、课程内容及教学手段的问题,直接影响着学生未来能否适应社会发展的需要,能否成为一名能在整体互动工作中具有高素质的工业设计师。工业设计教育中存在的这些问题一直是很多从事该项教育的同行不断探索和研究的问题。然而,目前工 Introduction With the deepening of China’s reform and opening up, the development of market economy is full of vitality. Under such circumstances, our country’s industrial design education is also facing new challenges and opportunities. It has become a hot topic in the field of education today for personnel training and personnel training. Because under the condition of market economy, the environment of employing personnel has undergone substantial changes, and modern industrial design is facing the challenge of adaptation. The problem of curriculum design, course contents and teaching methods that determine the specifications of personnel training in industrial design education directly affects the students’ ability to adapt to the needs of social development in the future and can become a company with high quality in the overall interactive work Designer. These problems in the education of industrial design have always been the problems that many colleagues engaged in this education continue to explore and study. However, current workers
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一、尽快完善医药管理体制是关键 (一)现行医药管理体制存在的弊端 1.政出多门,造成宏观管理失控 在医药行政管理中,药品管理目前是卫生部(血液制品)、中医药管理局(中、西
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AIM: To determine whether any changes have occurred on the patterns of colorectal cancer in China. METHODS: Data from 21 Chinese articles published from 1980 to