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农八师三十团农场,一九六三年从安徽引进莲藕,利用自然洼地试种成功。试种结果表明,莲藕适于在我区栽培,生长茂盛,繁殖很快,藕、籽均能成熟,并能露地越冬,既有经济收入,又能美化环境,值得大力繁殖推广。现将莲藕的栽培技术介绍如下: 1.栽藕时期:春末(五月初)栽种,成活好,生长快。自己有藕种时,宜随挖随栽。如需引种,可用溼润棉花包扎藕之节部,装入普通木 Nongba division thirty group farm, 1963 from the introduction of lotus root in Anhui, the use of natural depression test success. The test results showed that lotus root suitable for cultivation in our district, flourishing, rapid propagation, lotus root, the seeds can mature, and can be exposed to wintering, both economic income, but also beautify the environment, it is worth to vigorously promote the promotion. Now the cultivation techniques of lotus root are introduced as follows: 1. The lotus root period: late spring (early May) planted, survived, grow fast. When you have lotus root, should dig with the planted. For introduction, moist cotton wrap section of lotus root joints, into ordinary wood
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目的:从家兔心室肌细胞单相动作电位(monophasic action-potential,MAP)水平的变化观察心安颗粒对氯化铯诱发早期后除极(early afterdepolarization,EAD)家兔心室肌细胞电生
AIM:Critical illnesses such as sepsis,trauma,and burnscause a growth hormone insensitivity,which leads to anincreased negative nitrogen balance.Endotoxin isgen
亚氨硫磷是一种广谱性杀虫剂,国外通用名称为Imidan,代号有Stauffer R-1504、化合物S-14,商品名称有Apper等,化学名称为O,O-二甲基S-酞酰亚氨基甲基二硫代磷酸酯,分子结构式