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过去的一年,西部大开发实现了“十二五”的良好开局。西部地区实现生产总值近10万亿元,主要经济指标增幅均高于全国平均水平,发展速度已连续5年超过东部地区。同时,基础设施与生态环境建设、经济结构调整、社会事业、区域发展、特色产业、人才开发、对内对外开放等都取得了显著进展和明显成效,各项事业呈现出蓬勃发展的良好势头。新时期新阶段,中央出台了11号文件,国务院批复了《西部大开发“十二五”规划》,形成了新时期加强西部大开发工作总体思路和政策体系,构建了西部大开发在全国区域协调发展总体战略中具有优先地位的区域政策框架,掀开了深入推进西部大开发新的历史篇章,迎来了西部地区加快发展,跨越式发展的又一个春天。为此,本刊记者采访了国家发展改革委西部开发司司长秦玉才。 In the past year, the great development of the western region has achieved a good start in the “12th Five-Year Plan”. The total output value of the western region has reached 10 trillion yuan, the growth rate of major economic indicators are higher than the national average, and the rate of development has surpassed the eastern region for five consecutive years. At the same time, significant progress and remarkable achievements have been made in the construction of infrastructure and ecological environment, economic restructuring, social undertakings, regional development, special industries, talent development, opening to the outside world and so on. All undertakings have shown a good momentum of vigorous development. In the new phase of the new period, the Central Government issued document No. 11, and the State Council approved the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” of “Western Development” and formed the overall thinking and policy system for strengthening the western development in the new era. The preferential status of the regional policy framework in the overall national coordinated development strategy has opened a new chapter of history in deepening the great development of the western region and ushered in another spring of accelerating and leapfrogging the development of the western region. To this end, the reporter interviewed the National Development and Reform Commission Director Qin Yucai Western Development Division.
引言已知几种有机组织能成为铁的螫合剂,通常称为铁载体。在这些物质中,去铁敏B(DF)已广泛的用于严重的铁中毒和血色病的治疗。去铁敏B已能进行 INTRODUCTION Several orga
董海川先师所传八卦掌以其独特的技击著称于世,其招法出神入化、奥妙无穷。技击特点主要有如下几点。 一、刚柔相济 刚柔相济是拳术的精髓。八卦掌是刚柔相济的拳术。有歌诀
 一、情境教学的基本原理   1 生活性原理   体育与现实生活有着密切的联系。因此,营造与现实生活有内在联系的教学情境具有现实的意义。这种学习活动,不仅让学生将已学的