The British Monarch

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  Although the British Monarch has already lost its true power to govern the country, it is still a key element in British society and culture for its specialty in the country.
  Admittedly, the British Monarch has no substantial right to nominate the cabinet and deal with some other important political issues. What it can do is to work as a symbol in some important ceremonies. Its power is just a form, or a symbol, and in essence, the power means nothing in the government decisions. At this point, the British Monarch is the same as some other Europe Monarchs, with no real power but to be symbols.
  However, when some important issues about the British Monarch happen, these issues could be on the most important pages of the newspapers or be the headlines of some news, such as Diana’s Death, William’s Wedding, and Elizabeth’s Birthday. All those can be the front pages which is totally different from some other Monarchs in Europe. Why? From this, we could boldly say that it is because the British Monarch is still a key element in British society and culture.
  In the first place, the British Monarch can mediate some political events sometimes. Every Tuesday, the Prime Minister would have a routine meeting with the Queen, to give her some information about the nation’s events. However, this weekly meeting could just be a symbol without any essential influence or functions. But, on the other hand, the Prime Minister is not stable, from Mrs. Thatcher to Tony Blair, from Gordon Brown to David Cameron. So the Prime Minister is always changing from one to another, but the British Monarch is consistent. Consequently, Queen Elizabeth II would never be changed unless she dies or abdicates. Having the important person whose seat would never change, the British Monarch is unique. It is neutral, with no bias to any party. When people are unsatisfied with the leader or the ones in power, they would turn to the Monarch to gain faith. And the British Monarch could also work as a mediator when the parties have something divergent, or just opposite. When such things happen, the Monarch family is always the certain one to lessen the tensions.
  In the second place, the British Monarch is a symbol of British and the British people. For the British people, the Monarch is a representative of their glorified history, the empire on which the sun never sets. And it could also represent the British people’s desires sometimes. For ordinary people, the Monarch also has a fascinating glamour which makes them excited. For example, the Princess Diana and the Princess Kate are both symbols of the Cinderella in the modern society, which makes a lot of girls in British dream of marrying princes, and makes a lot of people excited about the love stories. Also, the Monarch can also make the country united. British has no National Day, but the Monarch’s Ceremony, such as the Weddings, the Queen’s Birthday, could have the same function to gather the whole nation to cerebrate these unforgettable days. It has a high position in the British’s people’s mind, and even to some extent, the British Monarch is the spiritual prop and the culture prop sometimes.   In the Third place, the British Monarch could be a symbol of benefactions and philanthropy. As we all know, being the symbol of the British, the Monarch family members’ every action would catch the attention of the public. Everything that happens on them could influence people’s mind and behaviors greatly. So if they devote themselves on the charity, they would have an impact on the ordinary people by way of encouraging them to devote into such philanthropic issues as well as create an image of the benefactor of British to the whole world, and thus to help the country to gain such high fame. For example, the Princess Diana, who devoted herself to charity, has already helped the Monarch family and even the British to gain great fame. She also encouraged the whole nation to devote into such issues too. By doing so, she gained an extremely high prestige. Being loved by a lot of people, her death has greatly influenced the whole nation and forced the Monarch to reform in order not to be abandoned by the history and the people. So from that time on, the Monarch families have tried their best to regain their fame by saving more money on expense, devoting more on charity, thus they could enhance the morality, and create a more stable and more positive image on people’s mind.
  In the fourth place, the British Monarch can reflect the glory of the British Monarch to some extent. Someone once said that “if we could travel across the time, we can easily find that the Wedding Ceremony of Prince William is the same as his grandma’s.” This shows that the British Monarch is playing the role of keeping the tradition and the history of the Great Britain. Furthermore, after the ending of the colony of British, it is the Common Wealth that keeps the relationships of the British and some other countries. And now, the Queen Elizabeth II is the key element to retain such a relationship. History is just the past. There are only a few things that can be reminded to be the representative of the glory time as time goes by, but the British Monarch is the living one that could represent the glory period of the Great Britain.
  In the fifth place, the British Monarch is keeping a high pace with the changing world. In the modern society, more and more people are eager to get apparent lists of the use of the tax, and the money of the government. How the country uses the tax payers money has attracted a lot of people’s attention. And the people also show the same desire to the British Monarch. The Monarch family uses a clear list of expense to record, which can be clear even to a flight. Because people can know the details on the Internet, more and more people are thinking highly of the Monarch. In addition, the British Monarch is using the Facebook to let the Public know what they are doing, and the people could also use it to give some suggestion to the loyal family. This kind of behavior makes the Monarch family more personal, more human and more close to the ordinary. Therefore, the British Monarch has gained a lot of praise from people in different countries.   In addition, the British Monarch’s existing can also help to attract a lot of tourists which can help the British’s finance and the spreading of the culture. The Buckingham Palace is one of the famous tourist sights in Britain, which at the same time is the prosperity of the Monarch family. It attracts a lot of tourists not only because it could give people a large profile of the Monarch Site, but also provide them a chance to meet the members of the loyal family, the living history of the country. While some other countries’ historic sights, like the Forbidden Palace in China, which could only give a sight to the traditional consoled things of history, are dead ones without any living representatives. So, in Britain, People could know the living things, the authentic things about the loyal family and the British Monarch. Furthermore, the Monarch ceremony can also have the same function----attracting a lot of tourists. For example, the Prince William and the Princess Kate’s Wedding can be called the Century’s Wedding and it attracted the whole world’s attention. In order to feel the authentic atmosphere, a lot of tourists interested in it came to UK to see the authentic version. Thus, it helps the Flight Company, the hotels, the restaurants, the transportation companies to gain profits. This is also a great issue to make financial profits.
  Finally, the British Monarch also has the function to help the passing and preserving of the culture. Having collected a great amount of historic things and a lot of masterpieces, the loyal family helps the country to restore a lot of cultural heritages orderly and perfectly. Without the loyal family, maybe it is possible that some of the art treasures would miss or be destroyed.
  In sum, in my opinion, the British Monarch is very important to the nation. It can work as a key element in British cultural and society not only in the past but also at present. In the future, we could not say anything absolutely, because it would take a great amount of consideration about the politic, the policy, and the people’s attitudes into combination. A lot of factors can make it change. But, at this moment, from the current conditions, I totally agree that the British Monarch is essential to the British culture and society.
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我是一名2000年榆中师范毕业的普通山区教师,一直待在山区,任教至今,这里离我的家乡不远。我教书也是我最喜欢最得意的职业。在人类进入信息时代的今天,山区学校同外界的差距再一次扩大。种种迹象表明:山区教育已经到了重要关头,形势不容乐观。而面对这里的学生素质和精神面貌,我忧心忡忡,思绪万千,束手无策。其中让我更为揪心的是山区单亲家庭孩子的教育和培养问题。  在当前社会中,单亲家庭孩子的教育也成为了一个
语篇教学法所着重强调的是对语篇文体信息的区分和识别,提出了一定的教学模式和方法,虽然并未将基于具体的英语阅读课程知识点的相关阅读技巧加以细化区分,但是为英语阅读技巧的分类教学和学习提供了基础。  一、现阶段的语篇分类理论  语篇类型的研究和学习为英语阅读的学习提供了确实而又具体的依据,使得学习者有法可依。篇章语言学研究领域的学者将语篇划分为有限的几类。其中,语篇类型是指“具有某些相同特征的成套的社